Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

754 Chap. 21, a/In ExPofition opon the Bookòf J o s. Ycrf.2'2. or Angel, to that which ìsin God, or rather to that, which God is, and fhai! any. teach him knowledge ?` The Apoftle laid of all our knowledge on this fide glory (t Cor. 13.) We know but in part, and fhall we who know but in párt,teach him that knows all. What we know ofGod, and his wayes, is farte leffe then that which we knownor. The molt of God and ofhis wayes is (Terra incognita) not yet difcovered to us, and (hall they teach God knowledge, who knowfo little of God ? Againe, that part whichwe fee, orknow, we know and fee darkjy, through aglajfè ; that is, we fee it onefy re- flexively, or by force other medium, and fhall we teach him that fees all things immediately, dire etly and intuitively in their own nature ? When fob had fpoken much ofGod, he concludes (Chap. 26. 12.) Loe theft arepart ofhis wares, but how little aportion is heardofhim ? Brat the thunder ofhis pow- er who can underf and ? So that, when we have received the utmofl. knowledge of God, it is but in part, and but a lithe parr, How little: a portion is heard of him ? So little that it is farcedilcernable ; fo little that the Apollle faith, Knowledge (that is this kinde and degree ofknowledge) /all vanifh away (t Cor. 13.) The knowledge we have here fhall be (wallowed' up in the knowledge thatwe fhall have in heaven like a drop of water in the Otean ; yet that knowledge which glorified Saints fhall havetn heaven, will be but as a drop to the vatl oceanof the knowledge ofGod.Theknowledge we have here is little to that we fhall have above, what a nothing tben is it to the knowledge of God who is above ? Fourthly, ' Tis fin`ull to teach God knowledge about his wayes, becaufe his wayes cannot be known.. Shall they di- reel Godwhich way togoe, who cannot findeout ti e wayes which he bath gone. (Rom. t I. 3 3,) How un1earck ble are nt's judgements;? and his wayes pall' findingout ?If the wa, es oftthe Lord be pact finding our,, then we mull not fined-Ault with his wayes. Ifwe cannot findeout their perfc uion, we muff not fay there is imperfection in them. Othe depth and riches of the wifdomeend kttowltdge ofGóá ?The well is deep,& we have nothing to draw.; we have not line enough to let downe our bucket into the deeps ofdivine wifdome ad knowledge, The Judgements ofGod are a great Deepe (Pf. 36. 6.) and the.