Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2I. aran expofition rrpan the 73oob`of I o s. Berl. 22 the Judgement of man is bue a (hallow. We may quickly loofe our felve s whlie we labour to finde thefe wayes and judge- ments of God. 'Tis fafeft in every point ofwifdome ( but chí fiy in fuck as thefe) To be wife, as the Scriprute faith, tents fobriety (Rom. 12. 3.)and wifedome to fobrietie is this(. Cor. 4. 6.) to be wife according to thatwhich it written. Ifwifdome to fobrietie, be wifdome according to what is written, how finfull is it to teach God knowledge, which is not onelybe- fides, but againft that which is written. That wifdome comes not from above which provokes us to teach rather then to oby him that is above. Beware of this dry drunkenneffe. 'Tis an excellent vertne to Bate and drink to fobrietie, yet that excells it, To be wife unto fobrietie. Feflus fail to Paul, Thou are 4efides thy felf,mnch learning.hathmade theemad.T hey who are wile fo much beyond fobriety, as any way to offer at the teachingofGod, are indeed betides themfelves, andmuch ig- norance oftheir duty bath made them thus mad. The fifth and !aft propofition which rifeth from this que- ftion ( Shall any teach God knowledge ?) is this ; It it impoffîble that anybetter way !bottle' be direlbed then that which the Lord ufeth ingoverning tbeaffaires of mankinde, or in the dif jofing ofall things here below. lror;Firft ; All the work! ofGod are done in truth (W.1 t r. S.) As the word Of God is a word oftruth, fo all his works are works of truth t for his works are nothing elfe but The making good of his word, or his works are the image ofhis word. The truth ofworks is their anfwerableneffe toword Theworks ofGod are anfwerable to a threefold word. Firft, To his word of Prophetie. Whatfoever changes Godmakes in the world, they hit fome word of prophefie ; All is done that what hebath fpoken or written may be full- filled. Secondly, Theworks ofGod areanfwerable to his word of threatning. God threatens before he finites, and henever (mote any man with rodor fword, with judgements or cor- refiions, but according to his threatning. Thirdly, The works ofGod are anfwerable to his wordof promife. All mercies are promifed, and every work of mer- Ddddda cy 755