Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

756 Chap. 2I. ...lx expofitiox upon the Eookof J o a. Nerf. 22. cy is the fulfillingof fome promife. N ow feeing all the works of Godare reduceable eyther to prophefies, threatnings, or promif s, they are done in truth' and what can be better done then that which is done in truth ? Secondly, All the works of God are done in Juftice as well as in truth, (Pf 145.17.) The Lord is righteous in all his wayes, andh?ly in all his works. The rebellious 7ewes charged God withinjut;ce, as if becaufe thefathers had eaten fwre grapes, therefore thechildren, teeth were (et on edge. And hence they inferred that blafphemous conclufion (Ezek 18.25.)Tht nay ofthe Lord is not equal!. But faith the Lord, Heare O bottle of Ifrael ; Is not my way equal! ? are not your wejes unequal! ? Though they complained, yet upon a due fearch they muff needs acquit the Lord and condemn themfelves. And though flowmany quarrel with the wayes ofGod asunequal!, unjuff, and unrighteous, yet the confcienceofevery man (hall give teftimony to God in the day of the revelation ofhis righteous lodgement, that all his wayes are righteous ; and what can be better done then that which is done in righteoufnef e ? But it may be laid ; Is it ¡oft and righteous that unrighte- ons &unjua men fhould profper and be exalted in the world, and that the righteous and godly fhould fuffer and be affli> fled ?, Were it not betterthat the wicked fhould be aiwayes fup prefïed, and the godly alwayes fiourifh I anfwer ; Theprofperitie of the wicked, and the afflie`i- ons of the righteous, are no arguments ofunrighteoufneffe in God, but oneiy ofhis foveraignty and wifdome. For Fa, If God (hould arreft and punifh all wicked menpre- fently with vifible judgements, mankinde would be confoun- ded, and the ligamentsofhumane focietie diffolved, for the greateft part of the world are wicked ; therefore the wifdome ofGoddoch fo attemper and moderatehis Jul ice,that he pu- nifhech the parts in loch a method as may confia with the p,efervation of the whole. Secondly, Ifprefent vengeance were taken upon all wick- ed men, we fhould walke by fight rather then by faith,and be terrified rather then perfwaded to obedience. Thirdly, Iithe Lord (horrid be quick in his judgements upon