Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21: flx Expofiticss :epos the Boo&Jo a. VerL 22. 7$7_ upon all wicked men, it would not appear how wicked fame men fomeare. Thefe coniderations with manymore which have been already offered and enlarged on the twenty ninth verf. of the twentieth Chapter of this book,befides what hash occurred in other places about the fame argument, may fatisfie anyman who is but rational!, that the Lord doth only as up to his foveraignty, andaccording to the diftates of his infinite wifdome, not at all contrary to the rules of Juffice, while he lets wicked men thrive, grow great and high in the world. Againe, As to themanifold troubles and affli &ions ofma- ny righteous, neiher doe thefe charge unrighteoufneffeupon God. For Firft, Themfelves acknowledge that it is good forthem that they are alìt`ed ; why then fhould Randers by fay it is evil!. They finde the mercyof God in their affliaions, why then fhould any thinkGod isunjuft in afi&ing them ? Secondly, Their affliaions difingage them from the world, andcaufe them to live nearer to God, there is nohurt in this; trouble on earth occafions them to have their converfation more in heaven. What dammage is therein that ? Thirdly, The troubles which they meet with in this life, caufe them to groane earnetily for the next life , prefent wants Rirre them up to look at future enjoyments ; a fight ofwhich by faith and the expedation ofwhich by faith is beter then the poffeffion ofany outward prefent enjoyment,This can be no wrong to them. Fourthly, Though they be firaitned with outward afflic°i= ons, yet God makes is up to them in fpirituall confolatiorìs, there is no lof e in that. So then,none have reafon to murmur or coniplaine eyther about the profperitie o fwicked men, or the preffures of the Godly.Ali is done in wifdome to the one, ¡nmercy to the other, and according to the urqueltionable prerogative of God inboth. Take this Corellarie frotq the tk hole Shall any teach God knowledge Then fubrnit quietly to the will of God, let us, ineprifon our on reafon, that the will and power ofGpd may have shear