Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

tChap. 21. An Expo¡:tion repon the Bookof J o a. Verf. 22` their libertie : while we give reason toomuch Lbertie, we ( upon the matter ) imprifon the will and power ofGod. Micro humane reafon is no comhe:rnr Survcigher of the wayes of God. Not that any of the wayes of God are again(} reafon, but manyof them are above our reafon. Thewayes ofGod are ordered by chequinteffer.ceofreafon,ar.d that is not to be fourd urd.ervuery mans (I may fay nor naturally under any tnanscap ) : and when we meafnre the wayes of God by the flane'ardamd fcantlirgs of our common reafon, what a dif. guiledoe we put upon them ? yea, how do we difguife God himfclfe.? God is our maker, yet Tech make and fame a ¡u- for him like their own, a hoiinefs like their owne, a mer.. cie like their own; And then what a God will he be ? My thoeeg bes arenot your thoughts, neither are mywayesyour wayes fayet the Lord Ufa, 55. 8.) And (ball any reduce and (brinkup the thoughts and wayes ofGod to their narrow and ftraitned model ? TheLord laid cf A iiim in (corn when he attempted a likerefs to"God; Behold the man is become as one oftu(Gtn.3. 22.) How doth God fcorne them whowouldmake his wayes and thoughts as their own. Therefore let man difpute the wayesof God nomore, but fubmit quietly to his will. Flit, Inwhat he bath laid, or to the ru'eof his word. Secondly, In what he bath done, or to the righteoufueffe ofhis works.Aaron held his peace,he fubmitted whenGod had flaine his two fons, (Lev. to. 3.) And when that fad me(fage was brought to oldEli, that Cod would doe Iuch things tò hishouras (herald make the earsof then that heard the report to tingle, he onely laid, goid is the wordof the Lord(a Sam.3. a8.) So, when the Prophet told Kzekiah from the Lord, Be- hold the datescomr,tbat all that is in thinehoufe,and that which thyfa thers bave laidup in fore until! this day(hall be carried to Babylon, nothing fh.ell be lift, andofthyfins that lhall iffue front thee, which thou (halt beget they (hall take away, &c. When (I lay) he heard ail this, what faid he ? even this;Good is the word of theLord, (Ifa. 39. 8.) He dothcot repine, nor difpute the cafe with God ; What 1 give up 7erufalem theholy Citie in- to the hand ofBabylon ?(hall my Ions defcendedfromDtvid, and of the feed ofAbraham, fall into the hands of the uncir- cumcifed ? We hear of no word from him, bra that which breath