Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2.1: As Expof'tian upon the Bockof J o B. Ver.f. 22. 759 breaths humble fubmiflïon, Goodu the ward ofthe Lard, "David was dumbewith filence, whenGod fpake rebakes tohiml(Pf 39:9.) There is no ion-telling with, God ; iris fit our wills fhould be fwallowed into the will of God,and'tis our duty to fay (as Chrifl did) Not our will be done but thine. The Pfalmi(i9 invites all to a very fad fpe6facle (, behold, What is the fight ? what's tobe ferne ? Come,behold the wärke ofthe Lord, what defolations he hark made in the earth. How are we to behold thefe defolations ? we may and ought with forrowful hearts, but we mull not with difcontentedhearts(v. zc.)Beftill and know that I am God. As if he d laid, I know you will be readie to querie, why are the Natibns fh.aken, and people made defolate ? why are thefe changes .in the earth ? Thetord'inftead.of anfwering their queflions com- matRds their faience ; BeJill' andknow that lam God ? That's enough to quiet the thoughts of man. Some parafites have facrilegiout1y flattered the Pope into this divine priviledge; Ws man muff elurftionhim, doe what he will, if he carry ihou funds to hell; whofaall Jay, why doeyott fo ? 'Tis as dañgerouo to afcribe this toman, as it is to deny it unto God. I;he fhake the frame ofheaven and earth, we mull be full. For he doth in inheaven & in earth whatfoever pleafeth him,and no manmuff fay (difpleafedly) What doll thou? or whydoll thou fo ? fie that uponthofe termes wouldkcow what GodBoth, or why hedoth fo, goes about to teach God knowledge. But Shall any teachGod knowledge ? Seeing hejudgeth chafe that are high. Some read thus, Sbill anyman teachGod knowledge where- n` i ipre cx, with tojodg th fe thouare high? As ifhe'hadfatd,fhalthey teach rcf: Jn:ioiceo God how co difpc,fe of, or deale with thofe that are high? JU So Mr Br oubrcn ,Coroa man teach theomnipotent kn4oljg;h;w be !halljudge thole that are high?' As if this were the f eciall cafe in which no man mull meddle to dire a-God, how to handle, & take ä courfe with the great ones of the world. In- deed,Godknows wel enough how todeal.wth the great ones the high ones of the world, he knows how to pull downe the mighty from their feats and to break their power, . he knows how to fcatter their forces and infatuate=thcir counfelswith- oat receiving counfel from ns,Sball any teachGed knowledge.? how,,