Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

760 Chap. 21. An Exfofit.ion upon the Bookof J 0 s. Verf. 22, how tojudge thole that are high ? He bathwayes and means at command ( when he purpoleth it) to cffec`f that purpofe.That is a good interpretation. Yet we render it, (and I conceivemore clearly to the mind of theText) as a reafon of the former queftion, why no man fhould prefume, or why it is high prefumption in any to teach God knowledge ? The reafon is grounded upon his pre- rogative and fupremacie. He is the molt high, and therefore muff not be taught : he is the judge of thofe that at: high, and therefore he is mofi high, and thereforehe muff not be taught by any that are here below.He that knows how to judg them that are high, is himfelfe toohigh to be tanght know_ ledge.Againe thefe words, He thatjudgeth thole that are high, are a periphrafis,or a defcriptive circumlocution ofGod. To judge thofe that arehigh, is to be God. He judgeth; What is heremeant by judging ? Firft, To judge, is to difcerne, to look to, yea to Tooke through the ftate and condition ofa perfon or a thing. Thus the Lord judgeth thofe that are high, he difcernes, he knowes them and their waves perfec`fly. Secondly, To judge, is to give fentence or judgement up= on triall or due proceffe ofLaw : when matters are alledged, and proved ; theJudge gives fentence. Thirdly , To judge, is to punifh. So the word is ufed (I Cor.3.1.)If we wouldjudgeourfelves.There judgment may be taken for the judgement of difcerning,trying,& examining (aswel as of fentencing)as theApoflle laidbefore, Let aman examine himfelfe. Ifwe mouldjudge, that is, try and examine our (elves, we ¡bould not be judged, that is,not afllieted, not pu. nifhed, as it is laid there ; For this caufeforeare;ckandweak amongyou, andforcearefallen afleep. Which fence the Apoffie explains further,(v. 3 2.)But when we arejudged, we are chafla erred of the Lord. To judge, is to chaffen,or to punifli.So,bere, Peeing he judgeth, that is, punitlteth, and layes his revenging handupon thofe that are High. But whoare thehigh ones, that came under the judgement of God. Tirfi