Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. An Expofition upon the Book of Jo' a. Verf. 22. 761 First, ome by the high ones underftand the Angels, who are the hib eft or first claffis ofcreatures. God did judge the Angels,he difcerned and pafled fentence upon them and, They are held inchains ofJsrkneffe to the judgment of thegreat day, (7ude5 ) Hercefome conceive that yobgathers bis argument. Shall any teachGodknowledge, how to judge poor creatures on earth ? how to throw down,or exalt man, fince he judgeth the Angels ? The Apoftle With an argument near this in referenceunto the people ofGod to Phew that the Saints are fit to judge things oftheir own concernmentand intereft; Doe younot knowthat the Saintslhalljudge the world ? Andif the world 'be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the fmalleft matters ? (1 Cor. 2.3.) Andhe carrieth the argument yet closer to the poynt in the next verse ; Knowje not that wefoal judge Angels, how much more things that pertain to this life ? Yob might fly alfo,know le not that God hath judged Angels, chofe that are high, the highest part of the whole creation ? And fhall any teach him knowledge, how to judge th e inha. bitants of this inferior, this lower world. Secondly, Others understand it ofchofe who are high in wifdome ; the highest graduates inSchooles, and Univerfities, themolt learned Rabbits, and Do&ors, the Sophies, the philosophersof the world ; fo the fence runs thus ; Shall any man teach godkncwledg,by whom the wifeft,themofl knowingare taught, who efpiethfaults in the wifdomeof the wifefl, God is able to in(tru& all the Mailers ofknowledge, therefore he is not a learner, Shall any teach god knowledge,feeingLe judgeth or correc`teth thofe who arehigh, thehigheft in knowledge ? Thirdly, Rather by the high are meant such as are in high Pei excels, place and power, the Judges andPrinces ofthe earth, who are imaalge poten. fohigh, that God gives them his own flÑle, I havefail ye are tifmo, argue Gods. Though they be thus high, the Lori judgeth them : opui(nr'1Ji;o os therefore feeing it is the right of his fovereignty to judge the ;:rums':ud ct, higheft, even the Kings and Rulers of the world. Shall any arÿue ¡pit cia, fr*e o,. ve, ruin tic ss, 00 efi. Pineda teach him knowledge ? Hence note ; Firtt, Godjudgeth the highone:. The higheft on earth arebelow god Let all high ones remem- E e e e e ber,