Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

76z Chap. 2r. An Expafition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf.22. ber, That, There is one higher then the high,fi (Ecc!. 5.8 )One higher then the Kings of the earth (Pfal. 89. 16 ) King of Kings, and Lordof Lords. Secondly, Gaddifcerns and thoromly looks into the rflates and and allions ofthe bi çhe.£l in the re rld, The high ones of the world, mayput a skreen of fecrecy between them and i,.ferioro, they may draw a curtain between themfelves and mean mers bat they cannot put a skreen or draw a curtain between rhemfelves and God,he judgeth thofe that are high ; therefore he knoweth them. No man can give a righteous judgment either ofthings or perfons till he knows them. And though he that judgeth before he knoweth may poffìbly fomtimes give a righteous judgment,yet he is alwayes an unrighteous Judge. Shall not the judge of all theearth doe right, and be righteous ? Thirdly, Noman lefo high but godcan puni/h and chaflife him, yea ruine andpullhim down. Ile can make his fword reach the higheft, and his judge- ments take hold of thofe that are ûronge(ì,(IJa.2. r 1,12,13.) The Cedars andOaks,the high walls andmountains,are men on high, yet the day ofthe Lord,that is, the day of his vengeance is againft them all, and, The loftineffe ofman /hallbe brought down,and theyPia!run into the hale: and cliffsofthe rack,to hide them from the pretence ofthe Lordwhen he arifeth to fhake terri- bly the earth. The Lord tels yob out of the Whirlwinde, That the high arme ( that is, the ftrongeft arme, or the arme lifted . up toItrike) Jhali be broken. TheLord infultsover Lucifer in his heights : Howart thoufallenfrom heaven, O Lucifer,thou fan ofthemorning, &c. ( Ifa. r q..) Thy terribleneffe kath decei- ved thee, and the prideofthine heart, 0 thou that dwellefl in the clefts of the rock, that boldeft the height ofthe hill: though than fhouldffl make thyHeft as high as the Eagle, Iwill bring thee clownfrom thencefaith the Lord, (7er. 49. 16.) The highn:fs ofman is fo far from securing wicked men,that it rather makes Them the fayter marke for the wrath ofGod. Yet let not the lowones think they fhall efcape,God judg- eth the highogee, ( fay force ) surely then he will not trouble him-