Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. zr. An Expofition "pox the Book of J o s, Vcrf. zz. 763 himfelfe with thofe that are low, with poor and meane men ; he will have nothing to doe with them ; they thall not be ta- ken notice of in the croud. As if it were either unfutable or below the MajeftyofGod to punifhmeane ones,or as iftheir meaneffe might plead their impunity. It is indeed an hum - lingofGod to behold the higheft ; He humbleth bimfelf(faith the Scripture, Pfal. 113. 6.) to behold the things that are in heaven, yet he is pleated to humble himfelfe ( faith the fame Scripture) to behold the things in earth, even the loweft things which are done, and the loweft perfons which are here below. And as it is the prerogative ofGod to judge thofe who are high,fo it is both his purpofe and his praifenot to let the low- eft paffe unjudged. The pooreft beleeving Saint (hall be ac- cepted and rewarded, as well and as much as any beleeving Prince who is not morebeleeving nor more a Saint then he: And fo there is not themeaneft unbelieving fon or daughter of esldato, not the pooreft man or woman continuing in fin, but (hall be judged as well as the higheft. We find Bondmen as will as freemen Kings and Captains trembling before and run- ning from theLamb fitting upon histhrone, (Rev. 6.15, 16.) As it is the glory ofGod that he can make themightieft Kings ftoope, fo it is the glory ofGod, that the eye and hand ofhis juftice ftoopeth to the pooreft captive. God will not favour the wicked becaufe they are great, nor fpare them becaufe they are little either in this world, or in that to come. He that dwells in a corner or in a cottage, (ball nomore efcape, then thegreateft Prince that dwelleth in aWallace,Royall, and fitteth upon aThrone. Eeeeez 9