Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

764 Chap. 2r. An Expojtion upon the..Bookof Jo E. Verf.23; Jos, Chap. 21. Verf. 23, 24, 25, 26; One dieth in hisfullfürength, beingwholly at eafeand. quiet. His brea s arefull oftnilb{and his bones are moiflened with marrow. And another dietb in the bittern (Ye ofhi.cfouls,, and never eateth withpleafire. Thlpall lie down alike inthedufl,and theworms(hall cover them. TNthe former verfe 7o& exalted the Lord above mans teach= TN and controling ; Shalany teachGodknowledge ? feting, hejudgetb thofe that arehigh. God is fo wife that can teach him, fo free and abfolute inhis power, that, none may dare to contrôlehim. And as this appeareth from what yek hath formerly afferted, fo allô by that which followeth ; he fpáres whom hewill, and fmites whom he will, for what con- tinuanceof time he will, and In what meafure hewill ; he finn, mons one to the grave, even then, whenhe is molt likely to live, and when he bath leaft feare ofdeath, when there. is nut the leaft fymptome or appearanceofthe approach ofthat King of terrors, not any decay in nature to proclaitne the returneofthe flefh to duff, the man is in his fpring andprime, yet,then, he is cut offand dyes. Meane whileanother (noman knowes why) pines and lingers out all his dayes in paineof body and troubleof minde, he lives and dyes under wofull preffures:of foul and body, of eftate and relations, never injoying any good,nor feeing goodday to theend ofhis days. Thus yob exemplifieth his generall affertion concerning the foveraigntyof God and his various difpenfations toward men... There are threeopinions as to the common fcope, ofthefe words ; I (hall touch at them, and then come to a more particular explication. Moll of the GreekeWriters underhand thefewords as di- i1inguuifhin; the hate of the wicked and the godly in this life. One. ,