Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2i. .4n ExpoIition upon the Book, of Jo'B. Verf. 23 76y One dyeth ix hisfullfirength,that is,wicked menhave no trou- ble in their lives, no fickneffes when they dye, they goe gently out of the world, or as it is Paid in the 1 _ th verfe ofthis Chap- ter, Ina moment theygoe down to thegrave. Whereas godly Greci accipinnt, men ufually live in trouble, and are tired out of the world de improberum with tedious and painful! difeafes when theydye. Thus the falicitare d7 words defcribe the difference ofthe godly and wicked in re- iufiornm arum- gardoftheir naturals death. Whereupon they inferre that d mite"tire they muff neceffarily have a different eftate after death. Wick- fortes necefje ft ed men (fay thefeinterpreters) have more happineffe in their difjimiles quoq; death then the godly, therefore the godly fhall have a happi- di(t mo amn in neffe which the wicked (ball not have after death, n7tat iJ fOtldíti Secondly, Others take this to be lob's intendment, who ones fegai. having fhewed before that poverty and riches are alike given Mort» venes to good and bad while they live : here afferts that deathdoth &favor, qua alike overtakeweake and ftrong, foundand lick, young and faciledrbter,oc old, fuch as are in a profperous and fuch as are ina fad and in decrepito 7, naffht ted efface ; death catcheth away the one as well as the qua temper ia- other: death carrieth an impartial! hand, and bath a power. ftrttevaterudi- full hand, the ftrong can no more Rand in the hands ofdeath ne lab,ram then the weake, nor can the youngor the rich make any better refinance when death affat.ks them, then the old and poorer One dyeth in hufull ffrengtb,&c.Anothcr dyeth in thebitternefs of Us foul. Death pitties not the one, nor doth it flatter the o.. ther ; There is a truth and an ufefulneffein this interpreta- tion. Thirdly, Rather underfand the words,as teaching us, that Godaccording to thefreedome of hisown will and pleafure, and theufuall tenour ofhis providence in outward things. handles neither the godly nor the wicked alwayes in the fame manner. One man let him be goodor bad, believer or untie= Iieveri dyes in his full Rrengeh, and in the-heighr ofhis pro, fperity, another whether wicked or godly, dyeth in the bit- terneffe ofhis foul ; Some wicked men live and dye in trouble, it is fo alto with tome who are godly. This fcope of theplace makes good the affertionof the Preacher ( Ecclef. 9. 2.) All F,Nix vita f- things come alike toall,that is,all worldly things. There is fuch b_ "s five 'n ccmrranra e a mixtureof events, that no mancan determine what any co :r"uia effe perfon is, .either by what he injoyes, or by what he fufftrs. bonis (tie As