Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

. I lí ' 1 !? { ; ' ,¡ i ,u ,. : 11'01 , s .?¡ Pi'; i e lvl. ! It,ii . ,:, ,; ri-,;,n4, k ,' I r., e'; ,., i:'. 11 ` .'',11:11,1 ¡A. k ,. 1,1 G. . '1hi; 1i"i. Gi 62 Chap. 18, e.rpofition upen the 23 aok, of J o B. VeYf Terrore: jxnt Dsnvoreo. Eiei;: Srf. behurried and vexed with Devils, who is terrified h his own evili confcience; That confcience which bath nothing of God in it, bathmuch of theDevil in it, and is an open Court for e- vil! Spirits. Yet wee may further diftinguifh of three fort ofterrours. Firfi There are terrours fromGod, and thefe the Saints the belt on earth may be filled with. (Tfal. 88. is.) Heman coal. plaines,fr:mmyyouth upwhile Ifuffer thy terrours Iamdifiratled.. Thy terreurs, that is, the terrourswhich thou (OGod) fend or infl efi. - Secondly There arealto the terroursofSatan ; As God lets himfelfe again(i his people, fo he lets Satan look upon them; who can eafily dart terrours into their fpirits; as God (hoots in his poyfoned arrowes, fodoth theDevil! too; God doth it as a Judge, the Devill as an Executioner. Thirdly, There are terrours of confcience; confcience per formes many parts in man; Firíi, Confcienceads the part of an oblërver, or watcher; Secondly Confcience ads the part ofa witneffe , and brings evidence againft us; Thirdly, Confcience ads the part of a Judge , and pronounceth fentence; Fourthly, Confcience doth the office of a tormentor; Confcience it felfe can punifh thofe, whom it adjudges to punifhment; Conki- ence gives deeper wounds then care, and maywell be compared to the Vulture which Heathens feigned eating out the heart or liver. All thefe terrours make wicked men afraid ; God terrifies force immediately ; others are terrified by Satan; and a third fort by the gripes and convulfions of their own confciences. Or we may joyne all together, God awakens confcience, and gives Satan libertie to terrifie finfull men. Hence obferve; Awickedman isfu6jeft tocontinual) terrour:T. Terrour dothnot alwayes feazeupon him, but it alwayes may; there is no keepingoff terrours, unleffe fin he taken off, unpar- doned fin purfues with feare; guilt and terrour are as the (hadow and the body ; as by the fhining of the Sunne, the bodycatis a fhadow, fo by thedarknefTe offin guilt caufeth terrour. There is a threefold terrour upon a wicked man.