Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. z1, An ExpoItion upon the Book of J o a. Verf. 23. 767 and relations : chele are a mans ftrength, therefore the fame word in the Hebrew fignifiesboth riches and ftrength. Rich men are apt to idolize riches as their ftrength or firong tower, and fo turne away fromGod, who is indeed our ftrength and our tower. Thirdly, To compleat the fulneffe ofhis ftrength, we may adde, in the ftrength of his fpirit when his mind is not trou- bled, whenhe bathno difquietments there : a man may have much ftrength ofbody, and a ftrength ofeftate, and yet be in perplexity of fpirit, and then he is to far from being in his full ftrength, that he is in much weakneffe. Thefpirit ofa man ( faithSolomon, Pro. 1$..14.) (that is his mind and confcience being found andwhole) will[so ain hia infirmity,that is, it will caufe him to bear up againft all the fickneffes ofhis body, and affíietions in his ftate; But all the fullneffe of a mans eftate and the exa&eft health of his body cannot bear up the infir- mities ofhis fpirit, or his wounded fpirit. When lob faith ; One uÿeth in thefulnejfe ofhisffrength, we may underftand the concurrenceor complicationofall thefe ftrengths : that man who hatha ftrongbody, a ftrong purfe, with peace and tran- quility of minded is in full ftrength indeed, yet faith `fob, twift all thefe ftrengths,this threefold ftrength together,and though < ( as Solomon (peaks in his booksofthe Preacher) a threefold card it not eafily broken, yet death will as eafi!y breake this threefold coard of life, as a threed of Lowe it broken, when it toucheth (or (ielleth) the fire. One doetb in hisfullfirength. This expofition is more fully given in the next words of the Text. Being wholly at cafe and quiet, That is, at cafe inbody and quiet inmil- ,de; or at cafeand quiet both in minde and body, yea in whatfoever elfe a man us iPfe,v>tie may be Paid to be at cafe and quiet. He death rich and happy, t1s pccrfrçvssa faith the Vulgar Tranflationiwhollyweljetled,fay the Septua- gint rejoycing and abounding, faith a third. The Hebrew is, whole,hebeingat cafe and quiet;or as we render,being wholly at cafe andquiet. All thefe readings center ;non common fence, Thai