Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

768 Chap. 2r. An Expofition upon the Book of [ o E. Verf. 24 Vbera marc m2. Targ. Rab. Maid. Mulchraria. Rab. Dev. that hedyeth when he is anas good a cafe to live as any out- ward-advantage or intereft canmake him. Which is particu- larly exemplified in th e words which follow. Verf. 24. His breaffsarefullofmilk, &c The wordwhich we render breafi,is ufedbut this once inall the bookofGod. I find force varietyamong the learned in expreffiing it. Firft, Divers of the Rabbins, as alto other Writers trait flate it. Milk, pailes, His milkpailes arefull,or, His pailes are fullof milk So the words are a defcription of his outward plenty. The land ofCanaan i$ called, ALandflowing with mike andbony ; that is, a very fruitfull Land. To fay, a mans milkepailes are full, is to fay that he bath abundance. Others conceive the word fignifieth tholeveffels, wherein either wine, oyle, or any ufefullliquor was preferved. This rendringmeets the former in fettiltg forth an overflowing profperity in worldly things. That man who dyeth with his veffels full ofmilke,wine,andoyle,hath enough ofche creature about him to keephim alive, A third fort tranflate thus; Hit bowels or enerailes arefulof fatnefs. He is enclofed with his own fat ( Wed, 17. ro. ) and he bath much fat enclofed, his bowels are welllined, and his back is well larded. His ftomackhash ferved him to Bate his llanafart adipe meat, and the meat which hehath eaten hath ferved his Re- Vulg. Sept. mack. The man dyethwhen he is in this good cafe to live. As Hac verba loco. Y g lam dj adagio- the two former rendrings appertaine to the plenty ora mans faro cen,in°nt lo- eftate,fo this l aft,His bowels arefull offat,andouhs,His breaf s quench formam arefull of milk!, appertain to the ftrength, health, and confti- qua de robkffif. tutionofthe bod Which foever ofthefewe take it complies limofecundr- y. , P moque vise well enough with fob's fcope, yet our tranflation complieth difceretur. heft with it, as alto with thewords which follow. Medulla !mad. du annumeran- eArndhis bones aremoiffenedwithmarrow, da elf, propterea eoncepracltlis Which is only an amplification of what he laid before, quibufdam tyr. ¡hewing a good habit aad Rate of body. Marrow is moift qua"? vafcuiis and fluid ; blood flowes in the veines, and marrow is kept in eonúnetnr. Aria. lib. 4. thebones. Naturalifts tell us, that, what blood is to the fle¡h, de till. A i, that Narrow to the bones ; bloodmoiftens the flefh, and i,. marrow Apudratmudt'- cos denorat va- fa 'tnSuibiss con- gregabatur pin- euedaolivif ex- preffa. Ego vafa magna putarim quibua ut nurc in Gallia Nar- bonenfi cleum ofervab.rtur. Met C. Yifcera tilts