Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2i. .4n Expofition upon the Bookof J o s. Vert. 22. marrowmittens the bones. The learnedPhyfitian,cals mar - row the meate or food f the bones. The hones live upon it. So l °: ' ¡fe that when fob faith,Hisboner arefull of marrow.He fpeaks the "" °ttl5. Hi P exaâeft frate ofnature.'Tis the opinionofa Prince in Phylo- 1Plar0e in Ti fophy, That the marrow is not onely the fourfe and feminary mæe. ofgeneration, but the very feateof life. So that, the body is then in its full ftrength when it bath itorcof marrow to moi- ften, fupplc, and feed the bones. And thus the Scripture elfe- whereexprefreth a ftrong and healthy conftitution of body, (Pro. ;. 8.) Be not wife in thy owneyes,feare the Lord andde- partfrom evill, it Jhallbe marrow to thy bones ; That is, it (hall be that to theewhich marrow is to thy bones. In oppofition to whichSoloman fpeakes ofdrying the bones, (Pro. 17. 22.) Amerry heart dothgood likea medicine,but a broken fpirit dry- eth the bones. The mind hath a powerfull influence upon the body.A cheerful! fpirit is as good as meate or medicine. The body thrives and recovers by it,thebody gathers ftrength and health by it : best a brokenfpirit(hemeans, not a fpirit broken with godly forrow, but broken with worldly forrow and di- fdraáing care, a fpirit thus broken)breaks the heart,and dries, the bones. In a holy fart, the heart ought to be broken with godly forrow, yet to thofe who keep loch a fait, the Prophet make, this promu efrom the Lord; He Jhallguide thee continu- a/ly,r farirfi,r r:hy Tout in dr ragh ,tr makefat thybonet(Ifa.Sii. as.) There is a braking o the fpïrir which drieth the bones, and there is a breaking niche fpirit that fattens amd moiftens the bones.W'e read of a fweet vifion which the people of God fh ll have (Ifa.66.14.)Whenje feethla,yeur hearts (ball rejoyce; As the vifion which Saints have inheavenmakes their hearts rejoyce,foGod Will give loch vifions as (hall make their hearts rejoyce on earth;and what follows,andyourbanesJha/lflouri/b like anbear6e ; That is, you (hall have comforts both inward and outward, both for foule and body ; not only (hall your hearts rejoice,but your bonesJball f ouri/b like anhearbe. Hearbs' fourifh when they have futable moyftnings,and fo doe bones. And as (bowers moyften the hearbs,fo marrow moyftneth the bones. Thus lob tells whom he means, by theman who dyetb in bïafullfirength,even themanwho is whole at cafeand quiet, z'ith his breafis fatofmilk,andbid boner moyfined wick marrow. F f f f f Hence 769