Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

772 Chap. 2r. ells expofition upon the Tookof J o B. Yerf. 24 i"urima mor- ;iy amiga. man buried. And how manyare there who preferre death be- fore a rniferable life.Therefore faith wifdome;Myfon, forget ncs my law, but let thy heart keep mycommandements, and they 'hall aide to thee (that is, Thou fo doing, God will a dde to thee) long life andpeace. Only grace and holineffe have the promífe of long life,they are a defence againft death,but as for ftrength and health, breafts ful ofmilke and bones full ofmarrow, they have no prorbife of life,nor are theyany flop to the powerof death, but rather rendera man the fayrer mark, and the fwee- ter morfell for that King of terrors to hit and feed upon. And from this general truth, we may draw down there two de- duF.tionF, Pita, Then preparefor death, thoughyou have noappearance ofdeath uponyou. When you furveigh your bodies fromhead to foote, and cannot fee the leaft (hadow of death, nothing looking like death upon them : yet, I fay, prepare fcrdeath ;for, onedieth inhis fullfirength, when there is no fymptome ofdeath to be feen upon him. When we looke upon fome men we may fee (ashe laid ofa fad time) many images or reprefentations of death, we may fee death in their dim eyes, in their palfied hands, in their tremblingknees,and withered fäces,we may fee death looking in at their windows, and out at theirwindows. Look upon others, they have no figne ofdeath, nothing that looks like death, yet let fuchprepare : for one dyeth in hisfull ffrength. ThePreacher (Eccl 12.1.) exhortsyoung mento re- member theircreatour in thedayes of their youth.And he giveth a fotciblc reafon for it there : but I (hall give another from thisText. The reafon which hegives, why youngmen Mould remember their creatour is, Becaufe thereare evill dayes com- ing,(he meanethnot dayes offinfull evil, but ofpainful! evill, as the next words expound him)tbe years drawnigh in which you"hallfay, we leaveno pleafure in them; Bethink your felves offpiritually better eftate now in your youth, for a naturally evill efface is coming , old age with its train and retinue of weakneffes and infirmities is coming, yea it is haftningupon you, thereforemake haft, up and bedoing in all holy duties. This is a good argument why we fhould remember our crea,. tour