Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

_.774 Chap. 2i. An Expofition upon the Rook_of J o B. Verf. 25,. Secondly, As thefe two verles are a defcription of the out. ward profperitie ofman. ,Obferve ; Thar, As bodily health and firength are no defence againft death, f riches arenor. Your pailes full ofmilk, your veff°ells full ofwine and oils, your fhops full of wares andgoods, your purfes full of Gold and flyer, your lands ffockt withcorn and cattell, and your felves whaly at safe and quiet in the pofl-eflfon ofthem,cannot ftave offdeath one minute, one moment. The rich mans barns were full, yet theword cam) ; Thou foole, this night thy foule íhal be required ofthee(Laa e t 2.20.) then wholeThal all thefe things be,that thou haft provided? They can be no longer thine, nor thou theirs. Whofe (hall they be ? Though thou haft not made thy Will, nor hall any will to make it ; yet they can be no longer thine ; Thou canif not bribe death to depart ; Riches avayle not in a dayof wrath. One dyeth in hisfull wealth, when hidpayles arefull ofmilk, andhis vefels running over with wine andogle. Verf. 25. And another djeth in the bitternefs ofhisfonl,and never eateth in pleaftere. This verfe ffands in oppolition to the former ; The Text tUYn in firi&nefs ofGrammer may be read thus; Another dyeth in a bitter mingle or in a mindofbitterns s And this may be under- Tnanirro area s f f yo. flood both ofgood and evil) men : fome godly mendye thus, many wicked men dye thus, both oreyther may dye in the bitterneffe ofhis foule. What's that ? or when is the foule in bitterneffe ? The bitt,zrnefïeofthe foule, is the carefulneffe, fadneffe, anduncomfortablencffe of it. Soule bitterneffe is foule-misery and forrow. Afic$ions are compared to worm- woodand gall,(Lam.3. r5.) He bath filledme with bitternefr, he bathgrade medrunken withwcrenpoo l.. What hemeans by Morbi j doto. bosh is cleare(v. g9.)Remeanbring mine ofpion andmywife- yes roam Pf- rye the wormwood and the gall. Gorily fort ow is all() e>ipreffed punt acerbatr. by bitterneffe(Zach. 12 I Of.)In that day the Lord will caufe them to mourn, and theyfbbalï in bitterneffe its one that monrneth for his frft born.To be in bitternefs is to be in forrow,not only its