Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap din Expotitian upon the Book of J o B. Veri. 25. 775 inworldly forrow , but in godly forrow, in that forrow which wòrketh repentance-not to be repented of.. Sorrow isa bitter cup : wordly forrow is a bitter and a deadly cup : Godly forrow is abitter, though a wholefome and a medici. nable cup. Spiritual], natural], andworldly forrow, are as bitterneffe to the foule. Death hath its peculiar forrows (The farrows ofdeath compaffed me about,faith the Pfalmift, P¡.' 116. 3.) and fobath life. Many dye not onely the forrows of death, but in the forrows oflife :that`s the intendmentof Yob in this place, while he faith, Another dieth in the bitterneffe of hisfoule ; and never eateth in pleafure. Or neerer the letter, Heeateth not ingood. In eating there . tMZZ2. are two things confiderable : firfit, the meare :and fecondly, In ;bong. ;. e. the fauce. Some have meareto eat, but they haveno fauce in iucanditaig with it. Good or pleafure islhe fauce of our meat. A dinner ° larrna, of fowre herbes is fweet with this fauce, and a ftalled oxe without it, ias not. And this fauceis in the eaters heart, not in his difb. He that hath not fauce there, though he have both meat and fauce in his difh,yea though he have a fong and mufick at his Table, yct never eateth n pleafure. There is a thr:eefoldrpleafure: firft, fenfuall : feondly, f irituall; third. ly, fenfitive. All fenfuall is finfult pleafure. yob fpeakes not here of fuch a man as dyeth in the bitterneffe ofhis foule and never eats as a glutton or Epicure(whofebufinefle,yei_, whole religion it is to ferve his belly and pleafe his pallare whole onely care it is to keepe hibn fayre and body fat, I fay he fpeakes not of fuch a one who'never eases) in finfull. fenfual pleafure. Again, all fpiriivall pféafure is holy plea- ivre. As the former is too low, fo this istoo high for fobs (cope in this affertion. He fpeaks not hereofa man who dy eth and never eates in the pleafure ofdivine love and heaven- ly enjoyments. To eate in this pleafe re, is the peculiar portion ofSaints. So then, thepleafure here meant it the third, melt jenf;tive pleafure Some dye,andnevereat in this pleafure,that is, they sate but taft no fwcetneffe inwhat they eat.Their pa- lates are fodiftempered with fckr effe, or their fpirits:are fo dillempered with forrowwhile they are in health, that they fnde