Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2 i . e..fn Bxpo/ftiox xpox the Book of J o s. Verf. 25: mifery as bath not the left mixture of good in it, is the portion of wicked men in hell. And fuel! a flue of pleafure as bath not the leaft mixture ofevils in it, isthe, portion of the Saines in heaven. Yet Tome there are who have fo little pleasure and ioy in their lives, that we may according to common under- ftandingconcludeof them, That, they never eat in pleafure. That which is very rarely doneor enjoyed, is faid(in Scripture language) never to bedone or enjoyed. Hence take this two- fold Admonition. FirÉ}, Let fuch fee the mercy, and the gracious dealing of Godwith them,who ease every day or very often in pleafure. How often do we fit down at our Tables, and our morfels are facet to us ? God fills our hearts not only with food but gladneffe. Whereas not a few of our Brethren, of the fame mould with our felves, and poffiblyofbetter defect thenwe, cate afhes for bread, and mingle their drink with weeping, or as fob fpeaketh, 2Kevereate inpleafare. Secondly, Ifthis be the lot of force, that they never eat in pleafure ; let them be admonifht who complain, if theyease not alwayes in pleafüre ; who if they have but now and then a hard day-of it, a fhort meale of it ; iftheir pallates be but fometimes out oftart and their ftornacks fick; if they are on- ly now and then in pain, prefently murmur and are difcontent. Shall any repine at paines which come but feldome, when we hear ofothers that never Bate in pleafure ? Goddoth us no wrong if he giveth us nothing but for- row, he doth us no wrong, if he lets us linger, and pine, and dye in the bitternefe of our fouls. Wickedmen doe no thing but fin, and then, what is their due but forrow ? And as the wickeddoe nothing but fin, fo the godly fin in all they doe, therefore God is not unjuft if he mingle forrow with all they have. While there is fo much fin in the beft,'cis mercy that it is no worfe with them ; Andwhile fomuch evil! is done, what re afon have we to complain that fo much evils is felt. If there were no other account to be given of Gods fevereft difpenfations, this is enough to acquit Godand quiet our own fpirits. 'Tis anevil! and a bitter thing, in the nature . of it, to fin againfl God, no wonder then iftbe fo in the effectsof it. The bi, terneffe of finwill caufe bitternefs offoul, and..