Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2 1 . iíx êxpofitiox upon eke :800kof ) o s. Val. 26. all while we do fo much of that wherein God taketh no plea- fure, we have caufe to expeet but little, and to jutlifie him though we fhouldnever ease in pleafure. Verf. 26 . They ¡hall lye down alike in the daft, and the worms fhall cover them. Thereis difference among men while they live, and in the manner of their death ; One dyetb in hiefullffrength : another dyeth in the bitternefe of hiefoul;but they Jhall lye down alike in the duff. When weare removed bydeath,thefe differences will be removed. To lye down in the daft, is to dye ; and we read ofthe duff ofdeath, Pfal. zz. 15. They ¡ball lye downalike. The Verbe Ggnifieth tounite or joyn together, the virdverbe if1 which is here ufed, bath four fignifications in Scripture. Vet bwm anivir, unKm feria, in Firft, 'Tis rendred alone, or without company, ( fob 34: 29. aucro io, rrw! When hegiveth quietneffe, who then can maketrouble ?andwhen i,ari er. be hides hisface,who then can behold him ? whether it be done a- gainff a Nation, or a man only ; aman alone, that is, a tingle perfon. Secondly, Iifua'lly it is traanflated together, or with compa- ny : So (Ez . 4 3.) The ewes refuting thehelp of Tobias and Sanballat Paid, ;ye will bevild together. Their meaning is not, we and you will build together, but we jewel will build together by our felves, we will not mingle and incorporate with you in this work. Thirdly, The word is expreffed, by wholly, or every whit. (fob to. 8) We tranfhte, Thy hand loath made me, and fa- ¡hionedme together round about ; that is, thou haft made me wholly or every whit, onepart as well as another, my hand as well as my head, my little finger as well as my foot is of thy making. Fourthly, It lignifies alike, or one as well asanother, ( 33. 15 .)The Lordfrom heaven beholdeth all the children ofme; be fafhions their hearts alike; not that all mens hearts are alike, or ofone forme and fafhon, for ifthey were, their way, their courfe, and their end would be alike, but the Lord fa¡hioneth their hearts alike, that is, as he fafhions the heart ofone man, Gggggz fo i79__..