Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Çhap. zr An Ezpofition upon the Book of J o s, Verf. 27. 785 Matth. Iz. 25. Luke 5. zz.And this was anunanfwerablear- gument ofhis divinity, or that he was God. Onely God or (asChrift was) God-man, can reach the thoughts of man. That's aneminent Text (lob. z. 24, zs.)»efu came to 7erufa- lem, and many beleevedinhis Name,when theyfare the miracles which he did, but lefts didnot commit himfelfe to Them;That is, he did not truft himfelfe with them, or(according to the let- ter) be couldnot beleeve himfelf into the hands ofekofe 6elievers. But why did not Chrift commit himfelfe to beleevers ? Sure if Chrift might be fafe in thebands ofany men,ha might be fo in thehands of beleevers,TheText gives he reafon ; Becaufe he knew all men,andneeded not that any fhould tegifse of man,for be knewwbarwae uman. Chrift would not bel eeve thefe belie- vers, for though, they had a faire outward appearance, and made profeffion, yet heknewwhat waswithin as well as what waswithout ; andhe knew that all was not right within he knew that many oftheir hearts were nought and rotten, and therefore could not truft himfelfewith them. And he needed none to witnefs this concerning them, for he knew what was inman ; he law the falfenefs oftheir hearts through the co- vers and vifards oftheir fayreft profefl'ions. And to do fo is the priviledge ofGod alone. Doth not lob then ufurpe''andintrude upon it, while he faith ; Behold, I knowyour :thoughts, I anfwer ; lob dothnot here takeupon him, or airtime to himfelfe a power tounlocke their hearts, and fee immediately what thoughts lay there; Ole was more holy, and more hum hie, then to boaft thus beyondhis line. His meaning is only Nom' fetege e this Iknowyour thoughts; that is, I doe tally collell what is in cif,. Wf qu j d - jour hearts, what in your breaft::though you doe not fpeakthe vi+a e.,aat ft. i thing dire6tly, yet I perceive your meaning well enough ; mum animus I know what you would haveme underhand and take tomy fc rand , rd felfe by your fooftenrepeating and infitting upon the de- qu,a ere fled ftru&ion ofwicked men, and the overthrow of the ungodly ; f i;z:idere quid Iknow that in all this youmean me ; you think that I have iiiiftbi,e eaene been overthrown as a wicked man, and that I have been de- iüa sutler eepe- ftroyed asan ungodlyone; your difcourfe bath fo often fal- len r'eione e and infifted upon that poynt, , that now 'cis eàfìe to con- improbor:,,n. ¡e&are what you thinkofmeand mycondition, though you m eri. i-Ihhhh hover