Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

786 Chap. 21. din Expofition upon the _Rook of J o B. Verf,27, hewer in generalls, and fpeak ina third Perfora, though you do not bring it home to me & fay,Thou art the man,yet I per- ceive clearly what and whom you drive at.And thus wife men can fomewhat more then gueffe at randome what the ifpeciall thoughts of other men are, by chofe things which,are fPoken generally and afarre off.So then while lob makes this peremp- tory conclufìon ; I knowyour thoughts , 'cis as if he hadPaid, Iclearly apprehendwithout anyfurther explication or comment, whither all thi' tends which you have beenfpeaking ;whatyoaaim at, whatyate drive at, what Iles at the bottomof all this, it plain tome ; I have not been fieeping whileyouhave been arguing ; I nave not only confidred the letter ofyour di/coarfe,but tnetenden_ :it's of it; and Iunderfiand the infide as well as the collide ofall. Hence obferve ; That'tis p^fble for man to know the thoughts of man. We are taught this bySelomon,('ro.2o.5. )C'ouncell in the hcart of man is like deepwaters: The heart of man is deepe, as deep and wide as the ocean, wherein to alinde to the Pfal- miíl, 104. 25.)There are things creeping inumerable,both[mall andgreat beaf$s.There are light and call imaginations, which oate on the top, and there are weighty and fad meditations which keepe at the bottome. Such are the counfeis of naanti heart ; Counfels are thoughts contrived and wrought in the heart ; Counfels are thoughts fhaped and formed up between imagination andJudgement, thefe Counfels in the heart are like deep waters, 'tis hard to draw or pump them up. Few can reach fo deepe as the counfels which are in theheart of man; yet fame men can : And Solomon tells us who can, A man of underfianding willdoe it. But is not every man ( except meer fooles and mad men) aman ofunderfianding? Not fo ; For though every man hath an underftanding, yet there are not many rya en ofeonderßanding ., 4manofunderfanding is a man ofGreat or much underftanding. As by a like Hebraifine, A man ofDefres, isa man much or greatly defired, and amar. G` Bloods is a very bi oody and cruel man ,So a manofunderfian-, ding,is a very underftanding man,or a man whoTeems nothing rife but underftanding.Such a man will draw the counfel ofo® eher men one of their hearts.Aman ofthe greattff underftan- ding,