Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

788 Chap. 2 t. , An Expofition upon the Book of JoB. Verf.27, much ofa mans thoughts may be known, concerning a buff.' , neffeby his Paying nothing. Not to anfwer path much ofao. anfwer in it, and to be fpeechleffe is to (peak. Thirdly, The thoughts ofthe heart are oftentimes known by the Couütenance,, and the heart is Printed upon the face. (Ifa. 3. 9.) ThePhewoftheir Countenance doth witnef fe againfk them.`Tis likely enough that thepeopleof whom the Prophet fpake, (hewed their fin more wayes, then by the jhemof their Co,èntenánce. They were fo impudent that they declared their finas Sodome,anddidnot hide it,yet the countenancewill fltew fin, thoughit be otherwife hid. The face doth oftenbetray the heart, and fpeakes that which the tongueconceales. They, who are critical and curious in fudyingmen whom they con- verfewith,lobferve thecaft oftheir eyes, and the changes of theircountenance,as muchas their difcourfe,and in thefe they reade a difcovery ofthe thoughts and intents of the heart.The Italians have a Proverb, That am an with his words clofe, and his countenance bole may travelundifcovered,what he is orgoet b about, all the worldover. Fourthly, The thoughts of the heart maybe knowne by the geftures ofthe body. Sonic _have no other way tomake known their thoughts but by fgnes. They Jitterally (peak with their feet, and teach with their fingers, as Solomon faith manydoe in a figure,-(Pro. 6. a 3.) Thus the dumbe fpeake and thus the referv`d thoughts of tholewho can fpeak freely enough are fometimes known. A nod with the head, a fhrug with the ¡boulders, the folding or Bretching out ofthehands, the poyntingofa finger, all orany of thefe tell the thoughts of the heart. Fifthly, Thoughts are often known byevents. A fuddaine accident opens the clofet of the heart. So wemay underftand that fpeech ofoldSimeon to the BlefedPirgine,(Luke 2.35.) Tea afword¡hall pafethorugh thine own foul alto, that the thoughtsofmany hearts may be revealed. That fword was the heart- forrowwhich Mary conceived when her Son andSavi- our fuffered.This fad event occafion'd the revealing ofmany a mans heart, and the bringing forthof thofe thoughts in the various tempersofinep about it, which elfe, poflibly had neverfeene the Sunne. The providences of Godwhether pros fperous