Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Cf1ap. 21. Ass Expofrtion upon the Book of J o B. Yerf. 27: fperous or afidive, turn the infide ofmany men outward, and make them appeare as they are. And this two wayes. Firft, the thoughts ofa man are fo revealed to himfelf: many wouldnot beleeve that their own hearts had fuch lodgers in them, fuch proud, fuck envious, fuch timerous, fuch revenge- ful!, fuch.covetous, filch difcontended thoughts, didnot force providence draw them out. Secondly, Thus allo the thought$ ofother menshearts are revealed to us. `Tis laid (Deut.8.2 ) that the Lord led the children of Ifrael fourtyyears in the Wilderneffe,to prove them,& to knowwhat was in their hearts, not that,God needed to goe fo farre about, or to fetc4 inch ä compafTe,to knowwhat was in their hearts,but he (peaks there eyther after the manner ofmen, who by various turnings and fuddain events come to know the minds ofothers o r when `tis laid, hedid this to knowwhat was in their hearts; the mean. ing is, he did it to make their hearts kaown (which elfe had been a fecret) both to others and'themfelves. Sixthly, We may know the thoughts ofanother, by corn. paring his ac4ions and the occafions ofthem together, that which leads a man into anywork,fhews the bent of his heart. .Pilate appeared veryunwilling to condemn & crucifie Chrift, he flood long upon it,and contended with the yewes about it. but at the !aft, when the 7ews cryed out(7oh. 19. I2.)Ifthou let this mangot thou art not C'afarr friend,When Pilateheard that laying, he brought Jefus forth His. delivering up Chrift, upon the occafion ofthis fpeech, plainly difcovered the ¡train ofhis thoughts, that theywere covetous, ambitious, andco. wardly thoughts : hewas afraid to doe juftice, left he fhould difpleafe Cafar : he was afraid to deliver an innocent man, haft he himfelfe fhould be dealt with as a guilty man : he faw norule whyhe fhonld condemn Chrift, but when once they told him that hewas not a friend to Cafar ifhedid not, that word over.rul`d him. Thus hisheart cameout, and heap. péar`d thus thoughted, that rather rhé he would part withb s Authority, he would part with a gogd'Confcience. Yet be cautious in tampering about the thoughts ofothers it is Gods Royalty to know thoughts, and therefor^ -wee fhould not be over-bufa with them. Ismay quickly be our .vastfin, and our brothtrs.wrong,ao,bç guefi` thought,., rcl 789..