Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Aga Chap. 2r. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 28. And draw unnaturall conclufions from them. lob apprehended himfelfe underfuch an unfriendly force, as gave him juif oc- cation to fay, I know t he devices whichye wrongfully imagine again[ we. The next verle holds out the intendment ofthis yet more clearely, Vert 28. Foryefay, where id the koufe of the Prince ? and whereare the dwelling placesof the wicked? As in the former words 706 afferts that he knew the thoughts ofhis friends. fo' in theft he feemes to tell us their thoughts. 'Tis a fpeech oflike forme with that( Luke. 4. 22, 23.)where Chrift prevents the thoughts ofthe 2Ve yens ; rewillfarey lay unto me this Proverbe, PhyfitianBeale thyfell, I knowwhat youwill be Paying,or obje&ipg ; whyftian healthyfel(,What ever we have hearddone is Capernaum,do alto here in thy Conn- try.Heale thy felf,do miracles for thy felt that is for thrown fleth and blood, for thykindred andCountreymen as well as for or among ftrangers. Thus here, I know your thoughts ; for ye fay, or this ye are about to fay. Where is thebottle of the Prince ? The Septuagint reade, rewillfay this;as noting their perfeverance, or perfiftance rather in that opinion, as if they had refolved to abide by it ; Iknow, what ye have Paid, you will fay; what ye have thought of me yewill think of me ftil; ye will fay, where is theknife ofthePrince ? andwhere are the dwelling places ofthe wicked ? Thefe words are uppermoft in your thoughts now, and thefe thoughts ye are ready and re- foisted to forme into thefe or the like words ; Where is the boufe ofthe Prince?&c,Thefe things had beenPaid ineffe& be- fore, while his friends fo often minded him ofthe falls of Great Ones, and their dwellings e/iphaz Paid it (Ch. 15.34.) The Congregationofhypocrites ¡hall bedefolate,& fire 'hallcon- fume,the Tabernacles ofbribery. Bildád laid it (Ch. 18. 2h) Surelyinchare the dwellings ofthe wicked, and this is the place ofhim that knoweth not God.Zophar alto faid it(Ch.2o.28,29,) The enc eafe ofhie boufe¡hall depart, and liegoads [hallflowa- way in the day ofwrath. This is the Portion ofa wickedman fromGod;eendtheheritage appointed to himby God.Thefe°things ye have faid, and I knowyour thoughts, ye Will continue to fay things fill. Where