Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. i.4* expoßtion upon the Tookof J o s. Veri. 28, 793 Where is the boufe ofthe Prince ? &c. As ifhe had [aid, re have indeed laiddown this onlyinage- neral' Tbeßs,but I am the Hypotbefis; I am underflood,and the man aimed at in all your difconrfes concerning theoverthrow ofwicked men : ye might as well have fpoken it out, Where is the houfeof the Prince ? that is, of706 °? 4ndwhere are the dwelling placesof the wicked ? That is, ofmy children for'tis I andmine whomye meane. Thus by a generali difcóurfe ofthe devaftationofthe dwellings ofwicked men, they put ?06 into the fame number; and concluded, becaufe the fame things, or the like, happened to him as to them, that therefore both they and he were alike. Where is thehoule of thePrince ? Era, Some interpret thefe words, as relating only to wicked men in general!. As if lob had faid ; ye fuppofe that ye have fufficiently difproved my opinion, and proved me an hypocrite, by poynting me to the ruined houles ofwicked Princes, and bidding me behold their defolatiors. As the Lord faid to the hypocriticall 7ewes,(7er. 7. 12.) Goeye now to my place which was in Shiloe, where Ijet my name at firß, and fee what Idid to itfor the wickednfe of my people Ifrael. So (according to this expofition) lob repre- fents his friends,faying to him:Goe to the houle of the Prince, of this and that and 'tother Prince, and fee what workGod bath made among them, and therein fee what God hath al readie done toyou, and what he will further doe unto you, unleffe you humbleyour felfe and repent. As their houles are no where, fo where is yours? But Secondly, We may alfo expound it particularly of 7o6', houfe,and of the houlesof his children.whcre is the haufe ofthe Prince ? That is, where is the houle in which thou tas a Prince dida formerly live and Rourifh ? doth it not lie waft ? where formerly there was a great concourfe ofmen,there now owles and Batts inhabire,there netles & brambles grow. The Prince ofthe Land of vz lived in much fplendor and magnificence, but wheres his houle now ? As much as to fay, his houle is no where, 'cis gone. When the wicked Paid to David (Pf. 42. ) Where isnow thy God ? Their meaning was,Tby god is no where for thee; he is not to be found for thy helpe ; So here,,,Where is Ii iii tbt i pBliP