Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

794 Chap. 21. ate. Sxpoftiox upon the Bookaf J o s. Verf. 28 the boufe ofthe 'Prince ? That is; 'tis downe, 'fis in the duff. Thus he conceives them reproaching him with his former Glory.. Againe, ( fay others) this upbraiding queftion mayhave refpe° co the houfe wherein he then remained as a leperous' and difeafed perfon. This man lived in a Pallace,where is his houle_now?He dwels among the leapers,his houle is buc a Peft- houfe,or an Hofpital,he dwelsamong the difeafed. See what a goodly palace thePrince hath,where is the boufe ofthe Prince? But I fhaln, not infift upon this; as conceiving theword hoofs not to be retainedhere so the place or Pallace,where. he ey- ther formerly or then lived, but to beextended to his whole outward Rate and condition. As David faith (2 Sam. 23. 5..) Although my houfe (that is, Rate and family) be notfo with çód, &c. And the fame David reporting the vain dreams of worldly men, faith(Pfal.49.1 i.)Their inward thought is that their houles ( that is, their great port and fplendour) fhall con-. tinuefor ever. So here, Where is the houle (that is, the riches, the relations, the traîne and retinue ) ofthe Prince ? ti.era, The word rendred Prince,figaifle one that is liberal or free lem, n,agu;feum a perfon open handed and open.hearted,aman ofa royall and clemtat; utii e;`t bountiful! fpirit ; So all Princes are expreffd, becaufe they d,,mu,4 î11'U,3".' ought to be fo and `fis their honour to be fo. Clofe handed - n owner n.xur.. ells JcleF.a<; neffe or clofe- heartedneffe is moft uncomely for a P. ince ; the yi us tr,nicas &a t, . Spit it of God hath the additionof this word (P%al. 51. i 2.), 'Uphold mewith thy free(or Princely) (párir.The Spirit ofGod is infinitely free and liberali, ready to doe good to. all. As if David had Paid ; O Lord, let we not haveErich a low fpirit a fsrmerly.or lately Ihadwhen Iyeelded to the temptation of that bnfe !aft, to de f te the wife and murther the htuband, O hownar- row,how ronprincely afpirit was this?Now Lord,uphold me with thyfree Spirit,that Imay never doany [rich unworthy ail again. Let me alwayes bave afpirit touched with thy fpirie, the fpirit ofa Saint, that'sa 'Princelyfpirit indeedThe name ofPrinces tells us that they are, and themfelves that they fhould be,ofa free and large, ofa noble and liberal! Spirit. The word ufed in the Greeke.for Great Ones, comes up to this fence (Luke 22. z5.) The. Kings oftheGentiles exercife LsrdJhil+over 'humid- they that exercife Authority en theta are called'