Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. zt. vin expofstion upon :lot 7ookof J o s. Verf. 28. called graciota Lords; or as we renderBenefaffors. As ifall that Kings, asKings, are to doe, or their whole bufinefs, were to doe good, or a fts ofGrace, they arecalled Benefat lors, or -CJratious Lards. *here is the houfeofthe 'Prince ? and where are thedwelling places of the wicked ? Here's a fecond Qzxry, but 'cis of the fame fcope with the 11ix firft. Mr Broughton renders it, where is the Tent and Pavilion f`,pu ofthe wicked ? Another. where is theTent of the dwellings of Vbi ;entorturn the wicked ? A third; Where is theTabernacle ofthe Taber- babirationum nacles of the wicked ? That is, their chiefeft Tabernacle, or .nnpto >um. i their molt gloriousdwelling place. As ifthe had Paid . We ee' lYliat nifty g` g P Y ex munir hab.á donoc ask where are the Cottages ofpoor wicked men, but tarin biN con- where are the ftatelieft Palaces ofthewicked,their Tabérnacle ,tans. of Tabernacles. Thus it anfwers that Hebraifme which we Tabe,nacxha n have often in Scripture,to note any Superlative excellent r as taéerna u Drum P Y p° cy ; , + i prac.paursa ell Song ofSongs ; That is, the chiefelt Song ; and, The holy habitacxtztrn. of holyes ; That is, the molt holy place. Sohare. where are the Lavar. Tabernacles ofTabernacles ? That is, thechoice, the chiefe, the molt beautiful) Buildings that ever the wicked had?What's become of them? And here, as was fail before of the houle of the Prince, we milli not underftand the bare dwellings of the kQuati süarum wicked, but all the port and greatnefs belonging to them, rurnæ vefi,a,n Farther, Some diftinguifh'this part of the Verle from 'the caved ,a me former 'b y conceiving the Tabernacle here fpoken of to be a f °a entrain , y g P Anent. Bcz,. placefor WorJhip, not anordinary dwelling place;As jibe had faid,Where are theffately Temples which hypocritesfrequented? lob was accounted hypocritically wicked by his friends, not prophanely wicked. Now (fay they) his houle is downe, and his Chappel is down; his Rate is gone, and his Religion is gone, all is gone. And whereas the former part ofthe vertfpeaks ofa Prince & the latter ofthe wicked:Some'nderftandthemofa diftin&, and others ofthe fame perfon,implying that Princes are com- monly wicked; & that They who carry Greatnes in their titles, feldome carry goodnes in their hearts. Princes have the fame corruptions in them,and more temptations round about them then other men : and therefore 'cis harder for aPrince then for apooreman not to be wicked. But I paffe thefe things, I i i i i 2 though 795