Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

796 Chap. 2r. =vfn expofitiou upon ritt Bookof J o B. Vert. 28 , though truths inthemfelves, becaufe 'cannot cffer themwith any confidence as the intendment of the HolyGhoft in this Text. And having fpoken before, oftner thenonce, ofthefe de- vaftation= and runes which God brings upon wicked men and their houles, I (hall not irfilt upon any fuch obfervation here. Onely note ; Firft That, theeffaces andhoofer of Princes, though firong andftsmptuous, yet come to ruine andvanifh as well as the meaneft Cottages or the (gates ofmeaneff men. Where ù the houfe ofthe Prince ? He cloth not fay, where is the houfe of the poore man ? we can (caree fee their houles above ground at the beft. As bodily death breaks open the door of the Prince,as foon as ofthe poor man;fo civil death or defirudion takeshold upon theeftate andhoule ofthe Prince, as tonne and fooner, then upon the houfeor el?ate ofa poore plebeian. Thefe difpenfations have a vovce, and their voyce like that in the Prophet faith, cry ; All flrfh is graffe; and all thegoodlinefs thereofis as theflower ofthe field. The graffe wi- theret h, and theflowerfadeth but the wordof Godendurethfor over. It will never be faid, where is the word ofthe Lord ? What is become ofthe Promites ? Some in the prophaneneffe of their hearts fay, where is the promifeof his coming ? where is the wordof the Lord ? Yea force in the pride and blafphemy of their hearts fay foofGod himfelfe, where ís he ? But it can never be truly faid, Where to the wordofGod ? Where is his pro. mite ? Thefe (hall abide, thefe have no feed ofdeath or decay in them ; Heaven and earth fhalt paffe away, but one jata, one title ofthe word of Cod(ball in no wife paffe away till all befol. filled.But of all the things oftheworld,the goodlineffe ofman, the Pallaces ofPrinces,the dwelling places ofthe wicked,itwill fhortly be faid,and of many of them it bath been Paid already, Where are they ? what's become ofthem? they areeven like withering flowers; as the graffe withers,and the flower fades, fo have thofe dwellings and eftates which feemedto challenge tall changes , andbid time doe its. worit,. Secondly;