Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2r: A,t Expofition upon the Bookof J o s. Vert', 29. Z97 Secondly, Note; Wickedneffe is the ruine ofthehoufes and Oates ofPrinces; 'Tis fin that rots the timber ;yea fin will rot the very ftones, and caufe the marble pillars to moulder away like dirt; fin bath brought a rot upon all wordly things, and blafted the beauty of the creature. The houfes of Princes, with all their goodly array and furniture, will Toone corrupt through the wickedneffe ofP,inces,where are the dwelling places of the wick- ed?If any delire the refolution of this and the former query, or are yet doubtfull and unfatisfied about them,The next verfe putsthem another queftion, which thews how and by whom they may be fatisfied and receive a refolutionof their doubts. Or taking the queries of the former verle, as put to yob by his friends, here ?ob puts queries to them. As if he had Paid ; I know yewill enquire of me, Where is the l oufe of the Prince ? crc.. But ye might fpare my paines, for any one will anfwer your queftion ifyou will but ask him. Verf. z9: Have ye not asked of them that goe by theway ? and doe ye not know their tokens ? Ye ask, Where is the /wife ofthe Prince ?Askofthem thatgo by the way ?Mr Broughton renders, Can'tyou askthem that goe by theway ? You fay, where's the houle of the Prince ? what rnterregate need you ask me ? Can'tyou ask them that goe by the way ? querrlábtt devi- The Vulgar reads it thus ; Ask,any man that goes by the way, 4!orib444,6' bsx andyeu Jhalï know that he senderflands thefe things;ask the next tr, ¡lion to- man you meet and he will enforme you, that thehoofes ofma- teUtgere cognof- , terir, Viilg> ny Princes proffer, and that the dwelling places of many wicked menfleurijh unto this day. Haveye not asked ofthem thatgoe by theway ? Two things are here to beenquired into, for the clearingof thefe words. Iirft, About what they lhouldenquire,or what's the .thing . to be asked. Secondly, Who are.thefe travellers or goers by the way, towhom the queftion is to be put, or who are to be asked ? Firft, What's the matter tobe asked Some conceive that lob bids-them enquireabout hisdealings, with men, whether juft. 1 1 MU