Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

?98 Chap. 21. An Expofition upon the Bookof J Verf. 29, Non inre toga- j aft orunjuft, whether he had been an oppreffour,orcovetous, air de t vta or proud ? askeofthem that goe by the way and fee ifthey torer j3`D1 e can one in the report that you give ofme ? Surely you cram quo drxe. j yn P" 3' g } rant vab r de have made no inquirie of .me, otherwifc you wouldnot make eliria mea no this judgement ofme.Thus lobTeems to fpeak in his integrity, pote/tic negate. as Samuel did (a - Sam.12.3.)Behold,bere I am,witneffe againfi vary I. me before the Lord;wbofeoxe have I taken ? or whofe alehave I taken ? or whomhave Idefrauded ? whom have I ápprtfedder of whorehandhave I receivedanybribe to blindm ine eys therewith and I will refrore it toyou. Can they who goe by the way tefti- fie any Each thing ofme : if theycan, let them. ifthey cannot, why doe youmy friends judge-thus ofme ? Secondly, Ask about the doftrinewhich I`h'ave`held forth concerning the dealings of God with wicked men. You think I am departed from the truth becaufe I maintain, that God ufeth much liberty in difpofing the things of this life. But ask them that goe by the way ? hear their Judgement, they'le tell you that wicked men fometimes profper,and that Godly men areoften afflicted in this world. Have ye asked this or that otherqueftion,or any queftion which tends to the clearing up ofmy innocency,or the refolvingof this controverfie between us ? Have ye asked fuch quettionsofthem thatgoe by the way ? But who are they ? that's the fecond queftion. vtinam licertt Firft, Some underhand the Text of thofe who are at the end quetntibeo dcvi of their way who are no longer as paffengers in this world, ateribar, gad y ' g P $ eaonfeE!o bojar but arepaffed out ofit, So the words are conditionall, or v418 innate ex fpoken upon fuppo(ition : as if lob had laid, O that you could bac vita domi- boot .eek/ome of thole that have travelled through this world, and 4r4ra4" conve- ended the journeyof this life, concerning thefrate ofwickedmen: afire atq;t teftem ifyou had their to f imony the whole controverfie were at an end. proferre. Pped Weihould not need to /land troubling our[elves about theirpro- /peritie in this life, Peeing they are'hut out ofall the comfortsof the nextlife. If wecould lay our ears to the gates ofhell, and hcare what Cain faith, and what yudar faith, and what other damned wretches fay, who have lived and dyed in finne and unbeleefe ; they would fatisfieus, that we need not fear wick- edmen fhali not be punifhed enough, becaufe they are not a1wayespunifhed here. Secondly, Others underhand the wordsAnalogically Ask