Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. íI: tIn Expofttion upon th: Bookof J o B. Verf. 29. 799 ,rkthofe thatgoe by the way: that is, ask the faithful! ? aske .$ui non confti- beeleeverswho are in the prefent Rate of travellers, Pilgrimes, brtú rfinea dJin and ftrangers in this world. As if lob had Paid, Ifye would be bu,lea ñer tí- refolved about thin thing, doe not enquireofmen that are worldly am hu)ns vitæ & carnal, who have their portion in this life ; who have no trsnliunt adter- Countrey but thie below, who make this their endand their all. minum falicí- But 1 would have you ark thofe who make this world but their tarps h future, hi è- way, and doe not take up theirfelicitie here. Thefe are the only tenon rn obfeabentmxratam n men that are likely to anfwer the fcruple, and decide the que- p'avis aeFti- flionbetween us. But I wave this alto though it be a truth, ideo re- that menwho make this world their paffage onely, not their feepofunt iuda, home,are befe able to give an account about the difpenfations Äqui Greg. ofGod in the world. Thirdly,Bythofe that go by the way, fay Viatores inte&í_ others, aremeantabe fcwes,whôfe li fe was in a fpeciall manner git Ifraelitas a life of travel,frorn their goingout ofEgypt to their entrance qui exeunres ab into Canaan: As if he had laid, Enquire of that people who le e,nt aÿrarre have the Oracles ofgod, to wham God bath communicated him- velationemmy felfemore.tben toany people in the world: goe, askthem, enquire ßeriorurn ja'ce ofthem they will tell you, they will give you tokens, and rtfolve Perna: fignir this doubt. We dwellers in the landof Vz.,have the mind of god nraaaqt ff fomewhat obfcurely revealed to us, but askthe wife men among rile adire q the ?ewes; to whom the Oracles of Godare committed,&an;o'ng roof:Jere ¡o :u- chom his dame isfpecialy kosownby fagns & wonders & tokens Ow amici wrought among tbem.Theyoil refolveyou about this truth.Buc hbeaus a g. I paffe this alto. Fourthly, Some of the Rabbins interpret yet hebe re, 'q ta(i higher of theold Patriarchs, 04brahar, Ifaac, and 7acob, ask iranfrens, yuod. their judgement in this thing:ask what Abraham,what Ifaac, rime' rmpofitum r a raha- .ib what 7kcob,thought ofthefe- things,askthofe ancient Hebrews fr' . i heword Hebrew, fi nifies a a en er or a goer by the way 1500 GhananPís $ p g g y y centendit. R c;C:. and they (as fome tell us) were fo called from their uncertain S iExuo di- motions. They going out oftheir own Land, ; and being for fíua fait Tran- many ages but ftrangers and pilgrims in every Land. Yet Itor, ve! 1 others rather conceive that the Hebrews had theirname from fe'' phrOtto: fi-, Heber, Gen. io. i r. I leave this allo, and conclude. cut tranfelpinos voCatr,Nt. Pi. Fifthly,That when he faith, Haveyenot asked efthem that ntd, goby the way:The meaning is, either this, Haveye confulted .waft proverbi withmen ofexperience, who by long travel in divers countrys v a,óe¡tdn eun- havemade obfervationof the various providences ofGod,Or Cur impe,iti,i; the words are proverbiell; Denoting men of ordinary capaeoty, nest Ott obyii iuta weld