Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Boo Chap. 2i. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o s. Veri, 2,9j .Quad Latinit. men unlearned, or the vulgar ; As ifhe had Paid, Ineed not refer L.appis& tonf thie tofomefpeciall men, to heare theiraward;i need not choofe the rtbcsr nottm, td meJ$ wife, folid,grave, learned & judicious men to anfwer and b , refolve this doubt, but Idare refer myPelf, andmycaufe, to the víaioribtu na f tem, next man I meet, to a meer f ranger, be be what he will, learned or unlearned, ifhe bebut a man that underfands commonfence, or is not aftranger to the reafen ofa man.Thus the Latines,when theywould expreffe a thing that is commonly known; fay, Every blind man,everyhandy- craftsman knows this.Thus here, to fay, Every man that goes by thehigh way knows this, is as much as to fay, `tis a thing eafily and univerfally Iknown. So that fob by referring the umpirage and determination of this bufineffe to men that goe by the way, afferts it a plaine cafe, and fuch as might be determined (ifhis friends had bin peace- able) with little Rudy or trouble. lob fpake this more roundly (Ch. i a.7.) where he upbraids his friends with the fame thing, and doth (asit were) refer the bufineffe to theBeads. e ßsk the Beaffs and they fhall teach thee , and the fowles of the gyre, and they ¡hall tell thee, be. This isfo plain a cafe that the beats of theEarth, and the fowles ofthe ayre may give a giros refolution in it, therefore furely; they who goe by the waymay. 1,4skthem thatgoe by the way. I need not draw out a feleá Committee, the next traveller will larva the turn Haveye not asked them thatgoe by the way ? Perléna lire!- &finddoeyou not know their tokens? tigunrur exert Thewords may be read Certainly you rail be able to know their pia quiz gum eis evenuent ali tokens.Some give the fens ,thus:If the menyoumeet with prove is Jrsn: doce- unable to expreffe their minds, they will make fignes fignificant mento, bec au enough to fpeakthis, ifthy cannot debate and argue the cafe,yet tern ve¡expicanter they.will hold up their bands & give a token oftheir confent with ve s. Jun, me in this peynt of difference between youand me. Secondly, Thefe tokens or lignes are rather Examples, of which travellers have flore in their books or memories. As if he had faid:There is no traveller ofnote,bset bath examples inhis note-bookyeafcarce a common goer by the high-wayfide, but can produce fmeprefdent out ofhiffory or experience to confirmwhat I have all along afrmed;Haveye never heard travellers tellflo- ries ofthegreatnefs,pawer,&magnificence of wickedmen ?And whereas