Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2 r. An Expofition upon the Book of Jo a, Vcrf, 29. 8o1 whereas we tranflate, Doeyou not know their tokens ? the He- 1ïa3r1 $r? brew maybe thus rendred ; And their tokensyoufhall not be Srgna eorP' Ron alténabP i eßranged ( or alienated )from. Though travellers and they vet nen aliens that goe by the way be ftrangers to you, yet they will give ducerrs. you plaine tokens, filch as you cannot be orangers to. Mr. Nunqua'xne i.- Broil htons Tranflation confents to this. So ye would not los(fc.vicroPer) g magnifrco rum maketheirfignesßrange. Therewill be fo much clearnefs in Bona.,, po eerie what they fay, that you will not beable to gainfay it. indicia'cornme- Laftly, When he faith, Daeyou not know their tokens ? we =ravel anai- may underftand lob perfi oïng in the metaphor of travellers v'?t`f= B 7. who to helpe their memory, have certaine tokens to ob(èrve.Ì4ná dnP theirway by,. or what is remarkable in the way : Ifyou en- ;hora,gkod.wa quire of them.which is the way to filch a place, they will give roses a, certaintokens : Such a Tree, or fach a house, fuch a Caille,or nt obJ rvare a fuch a pillar. They will give you a token for every turning of ,au.a the way,and doe ye thinke they have made no obfervations a- bout this thing? cannot they ( thinke you) give fuch fignes and tokens as maywarrant your affent towhat I have affec- ted. As ifyob had thus more plainly formed his fpeech ; Tosx Annemuch offendedwith my Tenets about the afßitlions ofgood men, andthe profperity ofthe wicked. But why areyou igno our ofthat, which they thatgoe by the way can informe you in, and giveyou many pregnant examples and tokens of, which the unlearned know, or whichyou may learn ofevery `Paffèngeryou meet,tbat god dealer varioufly with men ; that fmetimes the Reprehend:[ wickedprofper,and that onlyfomtimes they are defiroyed ; that Job tam jùpina judgment comesfuddainly upon force of them,andthat others are do aanicis Pgno referved to the dayofjudgment ; This is Mucha known truth, a n1gamá urius thatevery paffenger is able to refolve you in it, ana' therefore 'où ip(s *el po' very difhonourable foryou to beignorant ofit!Thus lob rebukes tenant u/ra P¿- their negligenceabout,or their nefcience ofthe point in quell. norarunr ayeti. ion. Have ye not askedahem that go by the way?and do you not know their tokens ? Hence obferve ; tirft,Somedotfrines anddealings of Clodarefo plain,that any manmay know them. There are ways ofGod pail findingout;you cannot know them,not onlyof the next man youmeet by the way, bur not ofthe wifeft in the world,no nor inthemeetings ofall the wife Kkkkk meo