Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

soz Chap. Zr. An Expofition upon the Fook of JoB. Verf.29, men in the world.- Thefe met together cannot fhew you the hiddenwages ofGod. And as force Providences and works of God are darke, fo alto are force doc`irines of faith : force truths are fo myfterious,that they amaze theunderftanding of thewifeft, and the more they are looks into, the leffe they a e feen. But there are bothwords and works of God very plaine, fo plaine, that he who goes by the way may know them, themeaneft capacity may reach them, theyare milke for babes. As there are feverall degrees and meafures offpiri- tuall underftanding, fo fpirituall things offeverall degrees and meafures are prefented to the underftanding: And though thereare force fpirituall things which the higheft underftand= ing cannot fully reach,yet there are fpiritual things enow both for the attaining offalvation hereafter, and the due ordering of our converfation here, which the loweft fpirituall under- ftandingmay favingíy reach unto, and they that goe by the .. way refolve you in. Secondly, Note. what we know not our/dye!, we lhouldbe willing to learn ofany, though (in many things) inferior to sr4. Ir is a fin not to know what is our duty, butit is more fine full not to enquire after it, though it be of them that goe by the way. We fhouldbe afhamed ofoup,ignorance, but let no man be afham'd to have his ignorance curd by the meaneft helpes. The holy Ghoft fends the fluggard to learn his duty of the P,fmire, To confider her wades, andbe wife. The Lord by his Prophet(Ifa. i .)fends the [ewes to the Oxe, and to the Affe ; TheOxe kn;ws hia owner,and the Ale hio Mafiers Crib, but Ifraelbath not known, my people cloth not confider. linreafo- nable creatures may in force things aft neerer reafon, then force men, and may therefore teach fuch men reafon ; how much more may themeaneft ofmen, ordinaryway .goers, or carriers doe it, who being endued with reafon, are all() Bled and adorned with Grace. Thirdly, Note.; TheExamples offormer ages, are for ourinfiruilic, ela what was written afoFetime was written for our In. ftrutron