Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2 x. An Expofition upon the Book of J o s. Verl. 29. ftrudion t So what was done aforetime was done for our In. f1rudion.A.1i the former examples ofGods dealing with good and bad, with the godly and with the wicked, are fignificati . ons ofbis miede to us.What God bath done (hews us not or. ly what hebath alwayes power to doe, and may juftly doe, but what Cris probable-) he willdoe. Laftly, Whereas rob fends his friends who were learned and wife men to commonpaffengers for refolution, oraffure them that even fuch might refolve them. Obferve; The wife and prudent are fomet nses ignorant of thofe trs:tW- which mean men have attained`te. Wife men= not alwayes wife 'niuch fiefs are they alwa} wife in all things. They who knowmolt, know but in part. and many knowmuch,who know little or nothing of the bet- ter part. The eyesof force are darkned, and fhut upby God. (Math, t x z5.) Thou haft hid thefe things from thewife and prudent, and haft revealed them unto Babes; That is,to mean men, to the poor and weake, to thole that are but infants and children in knowledge. Not a few (hut their own eyes, and their hearts are prepofeffed with prejudices. They are hin derd from receivingtruth in the love of it, by the love of thernfelves and of the world. TheScribes and Pharifees were knowing and learned men, yet the men that went by the way, und:rf400d more ofthe Gofpel then they : yea Publicansand harlots ( who were the worft fort of people that went by the way)entred into the kingdomeofGod, that ic, received theGof pel)before them(Mat. zx. 3 x.)The opinion which force have oftheir wifdome,keeps them on this fide many poynts ofwif. dome.The Apoftle faith,( Cor. r.2 r.)that,The world by wif dom knew not god,that is,not by tbeir own wifdom,God is on. ly known by wifdom(as it is our only wifdom to knowGod) but he canoeknown by no wifdom but his own;that is,byno wifdome but that which him felfgives: But it fhould feem by the Apoftle, that a man cannot knowGod by that wifdorne neither, for he faith in the fame place,that the world by wifdom knew not od (nonot) in the reifdome of god. And if God be not to be nown in that wifdotne, in what or by what can 1(k k k k z. t. 8o;