Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

$04,. Chap. is. An Expofttion upon the Book of JoB. Verf:29 bebe known ? I anfwer, Thewifdome ofGod there intend- ed, is not the wifdome which God works in us by his Spirit but the wifdome which man may fee in the things which God bath wrought. So that when the Apoftle faith, In the trìf domeofGod the worldby wifdome knew not JCod.His meaning,is, that the wifeft ofmen did not arive ata Paving knowledge of God ( though they did arrive at a knowledge ofGod which left them without excufe, Rom. r. )by beholding the frameof the creature,upon which very, much oldie wifdome ofGod is cngraven. Yeanot only doe they fall (bore of the laving knowledge ofGod in that wifedome of God which may be read in the book of the creature, but in that wifdome ofGod all() which is revealed in the book of Scripture. One of the Ancients compares the, who were menof the largeft parts and fubtleft wits, to fuch as having good bread before them, did yet alwayes grate their teeth upon @ones; or to filch as having excellent wine before them, yet con- tinually ftìck'd in the winde. For though they had the belt Gofpel doctrines and truths ofGad before them yet they fpent their timeand talents about unprofitable queftions and ayery notions, which puff up, but doe neither edifie nor nou- rifh So that whilft many fimple honeft foules ( having truth of grace) found bread and wine in the word ofGod for the frrengthening and refrefhing of their hearts : Thefe learned Rabbins did but V. het their teeth upon ft ones, and fill their flomacks with the winde. And this caufed one, more Ancient wrnr indas, by much then the whole race ofShoolemen, to cry out, The crelcm a.- unlearnedand ìgncrant (themen that goby the way)rife up and nt take heaven, when many that grow old in the Schools and chairs of the learned, meulder away in vanities andniceties. 'Tis not naturall wifdome, nor acquired knowledge, that can give us a pure difcerning of the things ofGod, 'cis poflible for men that goe by the way,for common ordinarymen to underfiand the matters of faith and worfhip, as all() the works ofGod, more folidly and foundly then they who bear the name of learned and knowing men. t am far from numbring tub's friends among formalifts in knowledge; yet (which 1.7ay give ground enough for this obfervation) 796 times to reckon .-heir knowledge (as to the poynt in Qzeftion) belowwhat might