Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2l. An Expo/ition "pan the Book of J o s. Verf. 3o, 8os might be both eapeded and found among men in degree and profeffion farre below them. j o s, Chap. 2r. Verf. 30,31. That the wicked is referved to the clay ofdeflruelion they(hall be brought forth to the day ofwrath. Who(hall declare bis way to hisface and who(hall re. Dray himwhat he bath done, Hefe twoVerles make up the report, which theywhogee Iby the way; were fuppofed ready tomake, bad they been Hoc a attxd asked theQ eftion; Where is the ho"fe of the Prince ? or, Hocdfial d Where are the dwelling places of the wicked i Their anfwer vos doceiabi would have been to this effed. r cum cata- orbi Verf.3o. That the wicked le referved to the dayafdeftrutti. domino mitares immix on;tbeyJhallbe brought forth to the day of wrath. itanrur impios i1Pos evadt= That the wicked is referved. Mac. Theword which we render referved, fignifies to ftop,hin- der reitrain,or keepback.Davìd fpeaketh thus upon thenews ofNaballs death, ( Sam. 25.39) Bloßedbe the Lord that bath pleaded thecaufe of my reproachfrom the handof Naball, and bath kept his fervant frond avenging.himfelf, As God kept or flopt David from ailing revenge for himfelfe unduely, fo the wicked man is kept or flopped by God from falling under the vengeance which is every way due unto him. Yet this flop bath a revenge in it ; for, he ie referved, not to much from ( though it be from ) as to a dayofdeftrudion ; as appeares more fully in the words which follow. They /hall be brought forth to the day ofwrath. The formerclaufe is in the fingular number, this in the 1nct a caiamrsa' plurall,'ris uluall in the tarred language,(as hath been towcht rra sbtrarso7 formerly ) to change numbers, whilethe fameperlons and J things are intended t yet the changeof the number in this phace, may have this fpeciall intimation I that though, now bet'