Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

66 Chap. i$, e4n expafitionr open the `Bookof J o a. Verf.i t° be card 'Fafhser (he would give him a new name, what was that ?) but cì`víagor-miabib ( the word of the Text) feare round about, which way foever thou lookeft, thou foait fee fear, or thou (halt haveVifions of amazement round about thee. Yea, a man that is under the guilt offin, hath feare not onely round about him, but above, beneath, and within him; he bath terreurs coming upon him from above; The wrath of j..od is revealedfrom heaven againft all unrigleteovfncjfe ; He bath ter- tours from beneath, Hell fmoakes up wrath againft him, and vomits.confuming fire to burr<e hin; up; Heh,:tha fpring of feare within, his owne fpirit is reftlef e, and meditates terrour every 'moment. Now he that bath terreur falling from above, ri- fing from beneath, fpein ing from within, and -begirting him round on every fide, ¡hall neverwant his belly-full, his heart full of terrour. A believer mayhave much terrour upon him, and manifold- terreurs about . him, but he is not befet with terrour on every fide; he bath ever fame paffage, fame way free; when-many doores of hope are ilopt, yet he fees forne open ; or ifhone ap- peare open, yet he bath hopes to fee thofe blocks and barres removed. At leaft, he bath courage to venture, though hehath but little hopeto fpeed. When he is at wort, he argues it as the Leapers did (a Kings 7. 4.). Ifwefay, we willenter into the City, then thefamine is in theCity, andweJhall dye there; and if Wefitfrill here wedye alfo. Thus many times a_ godly mann'is put to it, ifI goe fuck a way I }hall dye, I fee no hopes ; or if fuck a way, I (hall be_loft too, I.fee no hopes. But though deathwaited upon thefe two Propo . falls of the Leapers, yet then they hada thirdwhich gave them tome g imrering beames of light, forne remote appearances of . life. 2Cw therefore cone and let eisfall unto the hoaft of the Sy- rians, if they' 'lave tú alive we fhalllive : and if they kill tta,we ¡hall but dye. As if they thouid have faid, We cannot make an abfo- lute conclufion either for or againft our felves, ifwe goe out to the Syrians, come, we will try and put it to-a venture, at the worft we can but dye, and 'tis poflìble, that we (hall live. Thus at the wort, a Believer hash fomething, upon which lie can pitch, ifnot with a probability, yet with a pof ibility of efcape and deliverance. A.ndif we. t ould fiuppofe his terrours on.