Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Stjtj Chá i, 21. Ass Expofition upon the Book of j o $'. Vert. 30. here and there, a wicked man; this or that fngleperfon m!y efcape prefent judgment, yet they foall all be asic.were chai- ned together at IaLt, and brought forth co a day ofwrath. Dies furarum The Hebrew is, To the dayof wrath' ; That is to the day e. vehemen- of excreame feirce wrath, when many wrathsThal! be wrapt rifimi furork up in one. The roote fignifies topale away, and in Hithpacl r1roV to be angry and enraged ; becaule fuch anger paffeth the -I2v cn tongue bounds of reafon fometimes, and alwayes paffeth the bounds gatione Hithpa- ofordinary moderation. And though the wrath oftheLord elfrgnificat ve- cloth never paffe the bounds ofhis own juftice and righteouf. hementer & neffe, yet many times it paffeth the bounds of mercy, or is ruin exffil Irai 4 ' wrath without mercy. To a day offuch wraths, the wicked is referved. So then `( according to this interpretation) the dayof de. ftruftion fpokenof in the firft part ofthe verte, is tobeunder- flood ofleffer judgments, and the dayof wrath in the latter part of the verfe,ofthemoff terrible and dreadful judgments; implying that howfoever the wicked man may efcape many blackdayes, yea though he fhould efcape all black dayes in In die contri- this world, and dye as we fa in a whole skin, yet there is rionis prohibe- a day ofwraths towhich he fhai! be brought forth, and de- bitur mal:s ne Y sttingat eum ftroyed for ever. conrririo, in die Further, Some reáder,or rather paraphrafe the whole verge, irarum adruent thus ; Inc the day ofdef re: im the xeicb,'d(hall be kept leaft evil ducuntur sill touchhim, and in a da of wrath to which others are brought ipfe prohibetur y f g Pap. Impiusprohite tur re plowsa f Riisne attin- gatur, ideo in die ir rumfu- biturru eat in genres panas. Cajer. forth he st fparedand rafj:dby. As if the whole verle were of one tenour, and did expreffe in both parts ofit the frequent impunityofwicked men ; but I rather adhere to and refi in the fence ofour own tranflation. In purluance whereof the whole verfe is by others read thus;That in the dayofcalamity the wickedare kept back.and are carriedout in the day ofwrath. For that tranflation in which both parts of the verfe fpeake the fparing of wicked men from punifhment, is yet expounded onely ofa temporal! fparing. And the diflerence between our rendring and that, is only in the time, not in the thing. Or that fpeaks only of theirbeing fpared, yet:fuppofeth they (hall be punishedas laft,ours expreffeth both their fparing and their punifhmeut. That is, they are fparedor exempted from lighter aficiors or troubles, but a day ofwraths incoming in