Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2,1. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Vert 30. 807, in which they (hall be produced by the righteous judgment of Pravir porcitur God, and dearly pay `ar all. But whether we take the words addiem perm- according to this andour reading,or that other before remem- riei ad dire bred and instanced in,the fco a and. enerail tendency is one .¡arum addu p $ y runt;(.¡. TygEr, and the fame, as will appear in thefe three following obfer- vations, grounded upon and rifing from them. First, Some wicked men are referved from pretextjudgments' and hid in theftormi ofcommon calamity. That's the poyntupon which lob infi Its in anfwer to his *lends, who not only took it for granted, that if ever any torme arofeit wouldcertainly (weep away the wicked, but that all ftormes were prepared and tent out on purpofe for them alone. lob oppofed them in this, all the Chapter over, íhewingthat many wicked men flburi(h, they and their chil- dren, and that, though they are referved to a day of wrath, yet they are preferved in many dayes ofwrath,& that though They are under a fentence ofcondemnation, yet they are re- prieved from execution. The Lord to comfort his people in Babylon, tells them by the Prophet, (Ezek. I r. r6.)1 will be a little Sana`tuary to them in the Ccuntrieswhere they t7ial ceme, That is, I will protect them ; God is fomewhat like this to wicked men for a feafon ; though he be not a Sanetnary, yea he is a shelter to them, he hideth them for a time. But where doth he hide them ? and what's their (tacker ? He hideth them in his patience, and long fufferance. When God hideth his own people from evill, they are hid not only in his patience, but in his love ; Godhides them in his heart, he layes them in " his bofome, the love,the good will ofGod is their Sanctuary. But God never hides or flickers the wicked in his bofome, or in his love ; they are not hidden in his heart. The fouls of fuch lodgenot ( as the margin of?fat z5.s3.tels us the fouls of them who fear him do )ingoodnefr. Their Sanânary is on- ly in the patience; and longaufferanceofGod. Thepatience & long- fufferance ofGod,is the (heath in which he hideth his fword that it destroy not the wicked, as the Prophet (peaks (Ezek21.3,4,5.)Say to the landoflfrael,theo faith the Lord, vehold,I amagainftyou,andwilldraw forthmyfword,cut ofkia lsath;tberefore 'balmy [wordgoforthoat ofhis ¡beat againf al .eta