Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

8o8 Chap. 2r. An Expofition upon the Book_of J o a. Vert-. 3.. "10, from the South, to the 2Kortk, that allflefh may know that I the Lord have drawn forth my [word out ofhis Jheath,and it ¡hall not returnany more. As if he had laid ; Iwill call inmy fword no more, it ¡hall neverfinde its way back again into my 'heath. One of the Ancients puts the Qeftion ; W hat is this Roar ergo (heath to which the Lord faith his (word (hould not returne ? fit vagina In qra He anfwers; The 'heath is the patience of god. Now as the recondirur eta- patience ofGod is a (heath which hideth the fword till it be atoo? Refp:effe drawn and receiveth Commifìion to deftroy the wickedofthe lei earth fo the patience of God is a (halter to force wicked men, det. Theodor. and hides them from deftruftiou when the fword is drawne, Thus they are referved in a day ofdeftrution. And though they continue long in their fins, yet the long-fufferance of Godmay be a (halter to them. While the preacher faith ( Sccl. 8. r I. ) Becaufe fentence is not fpeedily executed againft an evil! work, &c. He doth more then intimate that fentence, againft an ev`:l work is not alwayes fpeedily executed : he doth not fay, that fentence againft an evil worke is not fpee- dilygiven or pronounced, for indeed the Lord never forbears an hour togive fentence againft anevil work, yet fentencea. gainft an evil) work is not alwayes prefently executed. The execution may be ftay'd, though the fentence b: given. For as there is not any prayer that comes up with acceptation be- fore the Lord, but an anfwer is given to it prefently, yet the anfwer is not performed prefently; a believer may Waite long for the fulfilling ofhis requeft, though his requeft be prefent- ly granted ; fo againft every evil! worke ofa wicked man,the fentence isgivem prefently, but every fentencc is not prfenny executed. The fame Solomon in the next verfe of the fame Chapter makes another fuppofition, which alto implies this potation ; Though afirmer doth evil an hundred times, and his dayesbe prolonged, Which fuppofition (though many fup- pofitions inScripture cannot) may be refolved into this po- fition, That a(inner doingavillan hundred timer, that is,very many timer, (that great certaine number is put for a great if not a greater uncertaine number)mayyet, throughthe patience ofGod, pafJ'e unpunUhed, bis ¿ayes may de prolonged, and here- fervedfrom the touch ofany aftlitlion, Secondly,