Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. z t. 0.4% E'xpofttion spots the Bookof J o a. Verl. 3o. $o9 Secondly, Obferve ; f1 day ofwrath is coming inwhich wickedmenAsti 6e brought forth to punifhment. Though they efcape many days ofjudgment,yet they (hall not efcape all dayes of judgment. Theprophet Ifaiah faith, (Chap.57. t.)The righteous perifhand no man layeth it to heart, mercifultmen are taken away, none confrdering that the righte our is taken awayfrom the evil/ to come! Now as the righteous perila,that is,dy, and mercifull men are takenaway by death, few or none confìdering the defignofGod init;that they are only takenout of harms waye, or from the evil! to come. So unrighteous men are prefervedfromprefent perifhing, and are not taken awayby a fuddain def}ruetion, few ornone con. fidering the defign ofGod in it, that they are only referved to the evil! which is to come, and that their punifhment is de- ferred to a day of greater punithment. We have a very re. markeable paffage to that purpofe (7er.- i 2. 3.) Thou OLord knoweft me, thou haft Peenme, and tried myheart timaards thee, (he Paidbefore ofthe wicked,thatGod planted them,and they took roote, theywere vigorous and flouri(hing, in fruitful- neffe, yet prefently he adds) pull them out likeJheepefor the S'nl`fi 'a. ror flaughter ; ( whenare fheepe pulled out for the Ihughter, is it f °, die oat f a4 not after they have been fatted in the green field+ and plea- nos ajqad dr fantpaftures ?then prayeth he,pul them out for the (laughter) ea: occiJioniscui andprepare themfor thede offlasighter. Which forre render d.Jtinatifen. (according to the ftri tneffeofthe letter)Sanelifie themfor the day offlaughter. The Original word fignifies to fanaifie. Brit what meaneth the prophet when he prayeth to fanetifie them for the flaughter ?if they had been fanetified, that might have kept them from the day of[laughter; how thendoth he fay, SanEElifie themfor theflangheer ? I anfwer, Tofantlifie them, cloth not imply the makingof there holy, or the inflation of grace, but only the letting ofthem apart, as perlons deftina- tedto deflruellon:Fis a borrowed fpeech taken from thofe ce- remonial rites which were ufed either about the preparingof beafts for facrifice, or ofperfons to partake ofa facrifice, the Law commanding both tobefpeciallyprepared and let apart for that purpofe,(Exod.1z. 3, 4. I Sam. 16.5. )So that,it is L1111 as