Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

l;io Chap. 2x. An Expoftion upon the Book of Jo$. Verf.3o. as ifthe Prophet had faíd, Set them out, appoint them unto the day of deflrucelion, let them be untouchedofother evills, let no judgment meddle or have to doe with them,ac withfacred things, till the great day of (laughter come upon them.The Vulgar gives that reading( f4mos 6.3.)which I approve not as confonant to .Stperatieflis;n the Original; we read it better actively defcribing the evil! efrcm frameofvoluptuons and fenfual men,whofe belly is theirGod, c lcnge lem,- and who are (wallowed ® in pleafure, They sn to thefound ti a praenc:t:u up y f g f main, ofthe Vial,,hey lye upon beds ofivory,and put farfrom them the evillday. Their work all the day long is to doe evill, and yet theyput the evill day afarre off rom them. This is the fenceof our tranflation. But the tranflation lately mentioned renders the Text palivelyinot as ifthey had feperated or put far from them theeviil day, but as beingby the juftice ofGod put up. uepera i effú in on, or feperated and fet apart to the evil) day. Te are feperated diem +nalum, unto,orfor the evil! day. As ifit had been laid ; Te have allthis vulg. while livedat the highefl rateof voluptuoufnefe and fenfuality, and /ceme removed at furthefl di/lancefrom anevill day, yetye are onely markedout,and /eperatedfor the evil! day. All the evil! dayes which ye have hitherto efcapeddo but lead you to an e- vil] day, from which there will be no efcaping. Solomon afferts as much (Prov.16.4.) The Lord bath made all thingsfor him- /elf,('tis the priviledgeand happines ofGod to be his own end in all that he doth;whereas nothing doth more aggravate the unholineffe ofman in what he doth, than to make himrelfthe end of doingir,bur,The Lordbath orytde all thingsfor himfelf) yea even the wickedfor the day ofevil!, That is, he hath deftina- red them for that fpeciall day,inwhich he will call them to an account, and naanifeft the glory ofhis juftice upon them. A 7,e ae:IWA. learned Hebrician gives his opinion, that this Text in the 'Pro- verbs, may be thus rranflated more futably to the Original Clod loath made every thing for that which/hall be anfwerable to it, even the wickedfor the day ofevill. Now what is more an- fwerable to a wicked or an evil! man,then an evill day;fin and forrowwill meet at laft, and do alwayes belt match together, The wicked may often efcape trouble,but they are never delive- red from it : all their prefervations from evil!, are but re- fervations to furtherevil!. The Lord (faith the Apaúle Peter, g,) knowethhow todeliver the godly out oftemptations, a,1d