Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

8 i 2 Chap. 2Y. vix Expofitiox spot; riet Bookof J o s. Vert. 31 . thall be recompenced in the weight ofit.In the time that wic- ked men are (pared they low more feed offinne, and fo they t1suft reap the greater hatveft ofwrath. For, as a river which is flopped up by fome locke, when that is removed powreth it (elfe forth with greater violence ; oras an arrow the fur- ther it is drawn back from the marke by a ftrong' arme, flyes the more Swiftly to the mark when it is difcharged,and makes the deeper imprrïlion in itifo all the flops,deferres, and draw- backs ofdivine wrath, doe but procure and draw out the fierceneffe andviolence of it again all abufers ofdivine pati- ence. yob having thus declared the report of the travellers con- cerningwicked men(That they are referved toor in aday ofde- ftruttion, andbrought forth to a day ofwrath) gives usìlfoa- report of the frame oftheir fpirits, and as he had intimated, that God (pares them long, fo he tells us plainly why men doe. Verf. 3 i. Who ¡halldeclare bùway to hieface ? who(ball repay himwhat he kathdone ?' fgó de deo ha,: Some interpret this verfe in application to God ; Who¡hall drei nabi J ìcile per(rta declare the way ofGod to hieface ? And fo'tis the anfwer of a- dee. y. d. fecret obje tion,which he pofiblymight make towhom that ax report fhould be made. Thewicked if r,ferved to the day of de- debit anrefahé fi otolion c. why fhouldnot awickedman have ent unt annun- ' & P re f P ciandum eiu ment ?-Why fhouldbe live in pleafure, who is unworthy to live ? Modo in hoc Why fhouldGodexercife fo much patieñce, and not cut him off i ro:edere debt. from cumbring the Ground? To thefe bold intergatories, the B&'.d. Text anfwers(according to this interpretation)by two more. Whohall declare hie way to kta face?Wbo fbal repay hini?e.c. That is, Who'!hall takeuponhim to argue this with god ? or fnlfault wish the wayofhis dealings with the moll faultymen? Who (hall doe this!Let mefee theman that dares.So it fuits well with that (Chap.9, i2.)Behold, he takethaway,who can kinder him ? Who ¡hallfay to him,what deft thou?And'tis ofthe fame fence with that ofZob again(Cbap.23.13.)But he is one mind, who can turnhim ? what hisfouls defareth,tbat be doth, We may paralel it allowith the 22 verse of this Chapter. Shall any. teach