Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2.r: An Expofitiox upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. .3 i. 8: 3 teach Godknowledg?feeing be judgeth thofe that are bigh.What ifGod referve the wicked man to the dayof deftru&ion, who (hall fay why dotty he fo ? Who (hall challenge him for fodoing ? The latterbranch is likewife rendred in compliance with this interpretation ; He bath done it (ordifpofedof it ) who 'ball repay hie? that is, who (ball reply upon himfor what he bath done ? The word (as this Author tells us) lignifiesnot hot dt o onlyto repayor return by atlion, but by word. To reply or etr guis , PoCe- retort a thing upon another, is a kind of repayment ofit. bir er ? Bold. This is a faire fenfe, and a great truth, The Lords anions are ttnquetionable, both in fmiting the godly, and i., fpariag the wicked; as hath beenChewed. upon divers overtures given in this Booke. Yet Secondly, I rather conceive thewicked man to be the fub. jea ; and perfon intended in this.verfe. Who /hall declare his wages to hieface?As ifhe had faid;This wicked man isfoflurdy andfallen,fo bigg andboyflerous,thatno man daresfpeab to bim,or declare that to his which be is res dy tnough to do in theface ofevery man.As if he had paid.; This man is not only not fmittenwith the (word oflj. odsbut not withthe wordof man ; begees onwithout checker centroule ; as God Both nati fo mandares not meddle with him, either by may ofpunifh. ment or reproofe.WhoJhalldeclare his way tohisface?The word .rZzurnvi, Ter. (I grant) here ufed todeclare, fignifieth only a bare declara. b r org finale tien,as to tell a Rory, or makea narrative, and fo, to declare, ;Rod én put alone, is no more then to fpeake. But todeclare to theface, es gx fequirur implyes both boldneffe and (inartnes in fpeaking. So the Vul- (tofacie eisth) garrenders it,Who fbaI rebuke buway to hisface,er before him? Wdetur vim who (hall reprove the finfuil way, the wickedcourfe he liveth accipere ad in, The contant and ufuall 'ra6tife of man whether good or f"le'a`s v"a P $ r:p7ehenfronem evil!, is commonly called his way in Scripture. pedate. Pi- Whofoal declarehis way tohis face:Poflì.bly fome will (peak nod. afarre off, or behinde his backe, but.who Will tell him his own a"guet plainly, and to his face ? In which fenfe the word is uíed(Gal, CO, 6'z, 2."a a.) When'Peter waocome to Antioch, I(faith' u1) with. flood him to hisface; That is, I did not goe to the Difcipies and brethren, and tell them that Teterhad-done amine, butI tame tometer himfelf, and dealt roundly with him. Many will (peak truth enough: ofthewicked at a dittance, and tell ttoties o