Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

814 Chap. 21. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o a. Verf. 31. ftoriesoftheir wayes in corners, but 'cis not everymans work to declare their way to theirface or to thew it asaglafs thews a man the fpots ofhis face, which is the emphafisofthe word here ufed. Hence obferve : Fir(#, Many wicked men are not convinced of their wicked- nefe, nor is it an eafie matter to convince them. And as there is aiwayesdifficulty in it, fo fonetimes there is danger in it ; to doe fo is like taking a Bear by the tooth, ora Lyon by the beard. They ad blindly,and therefore bold- ly;and he had need be bold who declares againtt their a&ings. Some fin againft light, many fin for want oflight. Some doe evil! againit their knowledge, many are not perfwaded that they have done evil!. Offuck the Prophet fpeaks,(Yer.z. 34.35. ) info in thyskirts is found the blood of thefouler ofthe poor innocent ; yet thou faye.ft becaufe I am innocent, Purely his anger !hall turnfrom me; ( they were polluted with blood, andyet cleane in their own opinion) Behold, I will plead with thee, becaufe thou fayeft Ihave not finned. As ifthe Lord had laid, I will declare thy fin to thy face, becaufe thou fayeft thou haft not finned ; Thou fayeft who can charge me, whocan fay black is my eye ? Behold, Iwill plead with thee, andJbew thee how blackthou art.'Tis hard to declare fin to their faces, who fay in their hearts they have not finned. The Prophet is com- manded (Ifa.58.1.) Lift up thy voyce like a Trumpet, cry a- loud Ian not, /hew my people their tranfgreffions, and the houle cf7acob their fsns;They fee not their fins,therefore thew them their fin, theycall their evill wayes good. and their tranfgref_ fionobedience ; fuch mutt have avoyce liftedup like a Trum- pet to make themhear. All whoare deadcorporally, thatl at lait hare the voyce of the Angels Trumpet, but they who are dead fpiritually,wii not hear that voyce which founds like a Trumpet, unlefs theSpirit ofGod be in the voyce ofman. Secondly, Note; It is aduty to declare the ways ofwickedmen to theirfaces, Though every man be not called to be a reprover, and though no man be called to be every mans reprover;yet every fin callsfor reproofe, and Tome or other arecalled to reprove it ; fome fhould fpeake plain Bnglifh, and home to (inners, and