Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. ze. An Expoßtion upon the Book of J o B. Vert. 31. 8a and rebuke themnot only in a parable, or in the clouds,by re- mote intimations, but direcly, and to their faces. Them that fin (faith theApoftie, r Tim. 5. za. that is,who fin openly and fcandaloufly) rebuke before all, rebuke them to the faces ofothers. And how fecretlyor privately foever any man fins, he fhould be rebuked to his own face, freely, and cleerly. Somecommit : her abominations as the Prophet Ezekied is (hewed in Tifton (Chap. 8. v. 8, 9.) behinde a wall.And be Paid unto me, Son ofman digg now in the wall, and when Ihad Jigged ix the wall, behold a door, andhePaid untome,goe in, and behold the wicked abominations that they doe here. Though men fin out offight,and ufe a kind ofmodefty incommitting their abominarions,yet the wall mutt bedigged, and the door muff be opened, and they who poffibly wereafhamed to doe evi 1, unleffe behind the backs of others, muff be told of it totheir faces. Thirdly, Obferve ; That there are not many to be found who dare declare the wayesofwicked men to their faces. When the Lord laid (Ifa.6.8.)whomJhallIfendior who will goefor us ? That inquiry intimated that there were not many to be had fit for fuch a fervice as was there charged upon the Prophet (v.9, r o.) So when lob faith here, who 'hall declare their way to their face ? Itargues that thereare not many fit, much leffe forward to doe it. To reprove any for fin is a hid fervice, efpecially filch as are rich and great. The flattering Prophet eifmafiah wouldnot endure, that down right e.Amos should prophecy at Bethel. (Ames 7. 1Z, r 3.) AndAmaziab laiduntoa fmo.o,O thou Seer goeflee to the Landofyudah, an thereBate bread, and prophecy there, but prophefie not againe a- ny moreat Bethel.for it is the Kings Chappel,and it is the Kings Court. As ifhe had faid, go into the Villages andreprove the country people as much as thou wilt;but take heedofmedling with Princes. It is no wonder, that eXmaziah could not bear rInsos preaching reproofes at Court, but it is a great wonder that Amos had the holy boldnestodo fo:Tis rare to have the wayes ofwicked Princes pleaded to their faces ; Kings have cloudes in their browes, as well as Crownes upon their heads, -and ire terrible to their reprovers ; .They command faience