Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. at. 4o Expoftian span she Tiookof J o a. Vert. 3 r . mans way to his face. When the Lord tent forth his Prophets to declare the ways of wicked men to their faces,how Both he prepare and arm them for the worke, left they fhould be dif. couraged and withdraw from it. The Prophet ferenay is not only cheared up, but threatned to it(Chap. t. t 7 ) Thou there- foregird op thy loins, and arife,Beak to them allthat Icommand thee, be not difmayed at their faces, left I confound thee before them. Left danger fhould deterre him from fpeaking to their faces, God lets a greater danger before his face ifhe did not fpeak.So again(Ezek.z. 3,4.)AndhePaid unto me,Sonofman, I rend thee to the Children of7/rael, to a rebellious Nation, &c. For they are impudent children(or hardofface)andffiff hearted; I da rendthee unto them, and thoufhalt fayunto them, thusfaith the Lord god, and they whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, for they are a rebellious houfe, yet /hall know that there loath been a Prophet among thens.Ezekielbeinn, to do this meffage, theLord cautions him,(verf.6.) fled thoufon ofman, be not afraidofthem,neither he afraidof their words,thoughbri- ars and thorns be with tbee,and thoudoefi dwel among Scorpions, be not afraidoftheir words,nor be difenayedat their looks.When they, their words, their look, were aii dreadfull,when indea- ling with them the prophet was todale, withbryars,thorns, ScoAhnions, had he not need to bewell backt and fapported ? Wh`,Inthe Prophet Micah was to declare the wayesofwicked men to their faces, fee how he was empowered ;Trudy (faith he,Chap. 3. 8.)I anafullofpower by the Spirit ofthe Lord,and ofjudgment,and of migbt,to declareunto yacob his tranfgreon, and to 7fael hisfin.Who but an eliahcould have declared the fin ofAhab tohis face? and who but the Baptift, (who came in the power and fpirit ofElias)couid have declared the finof Herod tohis face,not only to the peril but logs ofhis ownhead.; Fourthly, By way ofCorallary, Obferve ; Thatfume wickedmen are ufnally flattered. They are flattered to their faces, and reproached behind their backs ; and they who will not be reproved to their faces, Mall be lure tohave ftore ofreproaches behind their backs. Laftly, Obferve alto by way ofCorallary. Its part ofthe miferyof wickedmen not to be reproved. As it is their fin that they will not be reproved, fo their Mmmmm mifery 817